JABONG! Rain after the sunshine

The long hot summer days is on its way out.

Good for golf? Not exactly but somehow good news for the fairways and greens to be rejuvenated.

Gone are the monster drives that split the fairways of Apo golf during those sunbaked and hard panned days. It’s back to reality for the average golfers who experienced some semblance of length improvement from tee to green during those months. Rainy days are here again.

Apo golf successfully hosted a golf tournament aptly called Summer tournament last May 18 and 19,2024 in reference to the anticipated hot temperature pervading at this time of the year. But mother nature has her own way of giving us surprises. Rain came and made the course longer and softer which also mean more difficult for the golfers competing in the Apo Golf’s Team competition in its Summer Golf tournament.
The team of Jing Gavino-Toffee Tiongco topped the field of 124 competing teams with their combined team score of 5 under par 67 to be crowned as Team Overall Gross champion. Sharing the limelight is the team of Von Timbreza and Koko Elma who carded a net 58 for their average handicap of 16 to bag the Team Overall Net Crown. Division 1 and 2 winners were Ricky Pineda-Nino Villacencio (70) and Teddy Barnuevo-Edwin Cayamanda (74) who were crowned as Division Gross Team Winners respectively.

Congratulations to all the winners

Notes. The much awaited Monthly Medal at the South Pacific Golf and Leisure club will finally take off this coming June 1& 2,2024. Competition will be for five divisions namely Class A, B, C, Seniors and Ladies. Gross and net champions and runners up are up for grabs for the two day 18-hole competition.

Points will be accumulated for the winners which will be their passport for the Battle of Champions come late part of this year.

South Pacific Golf and Leisure club golf director Tommy Inigo in his guesting at the DSA forum in SM Ecoland on Thursday bared that the competition is an open competition with no distinction for member or guest and its registration fee is at par with the monthly medal fee for its neighboring golf clubs.


Apo Golf will hold its four day 18-hole May Monthly medal tournament from May 23-26,2024 featuring its fabulous hole in one and raffle prizes. This will be the last tournament for the month of May for Apo golf which will host a variety of golf tournaments in coming months.

Incoming tournaments for the month of June. The inaugural unique 18 hole Invitational Putting Contest at the Vineyard Mini Golf Course in Tagum City. The Forefathers 3.0 Father’s Day Cup on June 15 and 16,2024 at the Rancho Palos Verdes Golf co presented by Hon Leo Magno, Subaru Davao, Nike and Edge Davao as Media partner.

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