Bai Chromatica exhibit celebrates women and their colorful worlds

Dabawenyo women’s artist group Bai Hinang, returns to the Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao with the launch of it’s Women’s Month art exhibit, Bai Chromatica last March 15, 2022 after almost two years of absence due to the pandemic.

 Featuring Davao artists, Dadai Joaquin, Trixie Borbon, Tanya Gaisano Lee, Amor delos Santos, Jing C. Rabat, Aimee Manangan Suarez, Kristin Gaid, Amanda Echevarria, Elenita Dumlao, Jane Ramos and Nina Custodio, Bai Chromatica, which is the amalgamation of the indigenous word “Bai” for women and “chromatica” for color, is the third time the group is exhibiting at the lobby of the landmark Davao hotel and is part of Bai Hinang’s thrust in advocating for issues about women.

 In her welcome address, Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao’s hotel manager, Jennifer Romero shares the strong partnership between the property and the artist group. “For years, we have partnered with Bai Hinang to launch multiple exhibits in support of different causes. Now, we celebrate the month dedicated to all women around the world, we bring you Bai Chromatica: Reflective Radiance.”

 The group exhibition features a spectrum of different artistic styles from Dadai Joaquin’s impressionist vistas, to Tanya Gaisano Lee’s contemporary pieces, and Amanda Echevarria’s surreal blooms. The exhibit is an amalgamation of female talent coming from a diverse set of cultural backgrounds and upbringing.

 Sharing the group’s message, Amanda Echevarria said that “This exhibit educates the eyes regarding art styles and artistic approaches. It gives the viewers a sneak peak of the dynamic visual art styles that can materialize on a canvas. Viewers will get a feel of how personality worms its way into each brushstroke, color choice and artistic subject.”

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