DA pushes for insemination to improve livestock quality

THE Department of Agriculture, through the Bureau of Animal Industry, wants to improve the quality of livestock in the country through the use of artificial insemination.
Dr. Rubina Cresencio, chief of the Livestock Development Division of DA, stressed that artificial insemination is a tool for improving the genetic makeup of livestock.
She said this means that livestock such as cattle, carabao, and goats will soon be more resistant to disease and infection as a result of artificial insemination. Likewise, AI is designed to help the increase production rate of livestock in the country.
Dr. Cresencio added that the DA also aims to fast track the localization of the Unified National AI Program (UNAIP) among local government units. If localized, LGUs will be able to improve the breed of their cattle and present livestock in their area by using AI technology.
She added that the DA has been promoting AI in the local level in many regions. DA also encourages the provinces to assess their livestock plan and decide which breed of livestock need undergo AI.
They must maximize their AI potentials, Dr. Cresencio said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Paul Limson, national coordinator of UNAIP, said the consultation among experts and regional livestock technicians of the country aims to strengthen the national AI Program of the government.  [PNA]

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