Bigger Picture

ENVIRONMENT: Deconstructing logging

“Logging is more than an ecological problem.  It is a social, political and economic dilemma as well.  At the root of the malaise are...

ENVIRONMENT: All-out war against land degradation

“Land is the foundation for all life-sustaining processes on the planet. It provides us with food and water. It helps us manage environmental risks...

ENVIRONMENT: Sustainable land management is key to combat degradation

The Mekong Delta, situated in the South of Vietnam, is one of the biggest and most fertile deltas in Southeast Asia.  The region provides...

ENVIRONMENT: Fish swimming into oblivion

Unless Filipinos help protect and manage their coastal ecosystem, the country may don’t have fish to feed its growing population. Already, the resources that...

GAME CHANGER: From small town to the world

(Note: This feature first appeared in South Shore, a magazine which was an entry to the 2017 Blue Feather Awards. It is published under...

Why you need to swim this summer

“Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” That was what...
Golden rice with other vitamin A-rich foods (Courtesy of IRRI)

SCIENCE: Biotechnology: Answer to looming food crisis

Spirulina, one of the oldest forms of life on earth, is believed to be what the ancient Israelites of the Old Testament called “manna...

SCIENCE: Tilapia: To eat or not to eat

UNLESS you are raising them, you may have already eaten transsexual tilapia. Those that you buy from the commercial market are grown using the...

ENVIRONMENT: A bigger dream for “Pangarap”

"With the dwindling population of the eagles, the need for conservation and protection of the eagles from hunting and further destruction of its habitat...

ENVIRONMENT: Seagrasses: Coastal’s “last frontier”

No one pays attention to the lowly seagrasses because they are, to quote the word of a friend, “useless.” There are lots of them...