SHARING THE GOODWILL. The Royal Mandaya Hotel general manager Benjamin Banzon delivers a message of appreciation before members of local media during EDC Ventures Corporations, TRHM’s mother company, hosted a Christmas party on Thursday evening. LEAN DAVAL JR.

SHARING THE GOODWILL. The Royal Mandaya Hotel general manager Benjamin Banzon delivers a message of appreciation before members of local media during EDC Ventures Corporations, TRHM’s mother company, hosted a Christmas party on Thursday evening. LEAN DAVAL JR.

VIEWING THE TROOPS. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte leads the inspection of troops during the 81st anniversary celebration of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City on Wednesday. REY BANIQUET/Presidential Photo
FRUIT GALORE. A vendor displays banana at a fruit stall inside Agdao Public Market in Davao City yesterday. Demand for fruits expectedly increased a day before Christmas Day. LEAN DAVAL JR.