More MSMEs practice fair trade

The Department of Trade and Industry-Davao City Field Office (DTI-DCFO) director Teolulo T. Pasawa said that the office is grateful for the increasing number of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) practicing fair trade.
“Although, we don’t have the exact number of entrepreneurs, we can confidently say that the number is growing, based on our company visits and those who signed the manifesto stating their commitment to be part of the Davao Fair Trade Network. We also have to take note of the increasing awareness towards buying fair trade products,” he said.
The manifesto signing showing the support of Davao businessmen to the fair trade principles was held during the Davao celebration of the 4th World Fair Trade Day, organized by DTI, the Advocate of Philippine Fair Trade, Inc (APFTI) and Katakus Incorporated, at the Grand Men Seng Hotel last May 28. Various fair trade advocates, mostly MSMEs participated in the event.
The Davao Fair Trade Network is a group of advocates who rally for the promotion of fair trade products. The concept of fair trade, according to the chairperson of the World Fair Trade Organization—Philippines, started off as a business partnership between producers in developing countries and buyers in developed countries, who both commit to certain guiding principles.
Geraldine Labradores said producers, referred to as Southern producers, commit themselves to pay fair wages to their workers, provide safe workplaces, avoid child labor, give equal employment to women, and use environment-friendly technology. Meanwhile, buyers, referred as to Northern buyers, commit themselves to provide direct market access to the goods of producers, pay a fair price for the products, give advance payment to producers up to 50% of the purchase order to finance raw materials, and establish long-term business relationship with producers.
“But buyers need not come from the North. Fair trade need not be limited to exports. Ordinary consumers like us actually have the bigger power to bring into reality the concept of fair trade by making a change in our spending habits and increasing our support and patronage to fair trade products or simply making a fair trade purchase,” Labradores said in her speech to the World Fair Trade Day celebration in Davao.
The World Fair Trade day is a global celebration that calls for and promotes change in the way we consume, Labradores said. Having over 350 subsidiary organizations representing more than 100 million people worldwide, the World Fair Trade Organization—Global (WFTO) started celebrating world fair trade day in 2003 in the Philippines.
“World fair trade day Philippines has gradually evolved over the years to become a big day to celebrate the triumph, resilience, and ingenuity of Filipino artisans and small food producers,” she said. Since then, this celebration has included fair trade discussions, talks, fairs, bazaars, live performances, fashion shows, motorcades, processions and protests, to advance the principles of fair trade, and campaign for justice in trade and promote sustainable environmental policies.
An exhibition of Davao city’s fair trade products enrolled to the One Town One Product (OTOP) program was also done inside the venue of this year’s celebration.
The Philippine FT Mark was also presented which serves as a symbol of fair trade since May. It serves as a testament to the creativity, ingenuity, and dignity of the Filipino artisan and producer, Labradores said. [Lorie Ann A. Cascaro]
“What the Philippine mark presents to us is a choice. Now that we have been given a choice, let us do our share by making a change in our spending habits and in increasing our support to, and patronage for, fair trade products. By buying a fair trade product, we can help make a difference in the lives of small producers. And by the power of our choice as consumers, we can help build a fairer world,” she said.
She also said that if everyone patronizes fair trade products, the companies which are not adopting the fair trade standards will become conscious about helping the community and the country to grow.

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