All set for door-to-door measles immunization

It will be all systems go for the planned month-long measles-rubella door-to-door immunization this coming April 4 to May 4.
According to Department of Health –XI regional director Teogenes Baluma, an estimated 800-thousand kids will be immunized in this comprehensive program which covers the region’s urban areas to far-flung barrios in the provinces.
Measles Rubella Supplemental (MRS) immunization campaign will cover children ages 9 months to 8 years old. These aims to eradicate measles and measles rubella (German Measles) especially the two new strains of the virus.
The following local governments in the region will have ceremonial kick-offs to start the event which is also held simultaneously nationwide with a target coverage of about 18-million children.
Compostela Valley province will be holding a ceremonial kick-off in Monkayo, while Davao City will have a similar activity in Agdao disrtrict this April 4. Davao Oriental and Davao del Sur will also have similar ceremonies.
Baluma said that barangays will be certified as measles free if all the houses were visited without skipping a single child. It will be a full blast door-to-door campaign as it will also include gated subdivisions. Even families
living in puschcarts or adjacent to market stalls and stores will also be visited by the immunization team. A sticker will be posted in each house to mark that the site has been visited. [PIA 11]

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