‘Davao-in-a-Minute’ video contest marks city’s Diamond Anniversary

In time for the 75th anniversary of its cityhood, the City of Davao is launching a one-minute video competition which aims to complement its Life is Here branding campaign.
“We are inviting filmmakers, video artists, wedding videographers, graphic artists, animators, vloggers (video bloggers), mass communication students or any interested person to join this competition; this is one way to help promote Davao in their own creative style,” said Rjay Sta. Teresa, project coordinator.
The videos can be in any form (short films, music videos, commercials, slide shows, audio-visual productions, documentaries, animations,etc.) as long as the body of the video does not exceed 60 seconds or one-minute.
The video must also conform to the theme; Davao City-Life is Here.
“We want the video competition to be this year. These one-minute video works can easily be uploaded, is audience and media friendly and with the potential to be viral since it can easily be shared. ” Sta. Teresa said.
“Making one-minute videos is an exciting artistic challenge for the makers to conceptualize, create their stories and compress them in one minute.  That is why the limitation of the concept rests on the creative juices of the makers.” Sta. Teresa added.
For those interested to join the competition, registration is required, which is absolutely free. Registration forms are available at Duaw Davao Festivals Foundation Office at Room 12, 2nd Floor Davao City Hall Bldg and the Mindanao Film and Television Development Foundation (MFTDFI) office at 59-A Aala Bldg, F. Inigo St. Davao City Hall. For inquiries, call the organizers at 225-3456 (MFTDFI office) or email them at davaoinaminute@live.com.
Deadline for video submission is on March 9 at 3:00 p.m. Winning videos will receive: P30,000 (first prize), P20,000 with trophy (second prize) P10,000 plus trophy (3rd prize). Five other videos will receive consolation prizes of P5,000 each and a people’s choice awardee will receive  P5,000.
The top one-minute videos will be exhibited in roving exhibitions at the major malls of the city. The awarding ceremony will be held on March 13 during the Mayor and Vice Mayor Appreciation program.
The first Davao-in-a-Minute Video Competition is organized by the Duaw Davao Festivals Foundation in partnership with the Mindanao Film and Television Development Foundation Incorporated (MFTDFI), organizer of the annual Davao City-based Mindanao Film Festival, one of the continuous longest running indie film festivals in the country.
The One-in-a-Minute video competition is one of the many activities on the occasion of Davao’s Diamond Anniversary as a city which was inaugurated as a Chartered City on March 16, 1937. [PIA 11/RG Alama]

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