Home Necessity NECESSITY. Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) 11 director IV Dr. Raul Alvarez says inflation prompted the 32 colleges and universities in Region 11 to apply for tuition fee increase. Alvarez also said the hike was minimal as it was only 25 percent of P80 national increase. LEAN DAVAL JR.

NECESSITY. Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) 11 director IV Dr. Raul Alvarez says inflation prompted the 32 colleges and universities in Region 11 to apply for tuition fee increase. Alvarez also said the hike was minimal as it was only 25 percent of P80 national increase. LEAN DAVAL JR.

NECESSITY. Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) 11 director IV Dr. Raul Alvarez says inflation prompted the 32 colleges and universities in Region 11 to apply for tuition fee increase. Alvarez also said the hike was minimal as it was only 25 percent of P80 national increase. LEAN DAVAL JR.

NECESSITY. Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) 11 director IV Dr. Raul Alvarez says inflation prompted the 32 colleges and universities in Region 11 to apply for tuition fee increase. Alvarez also said the hike was minimal as it was only 25 percent of P80 national increase. LEAN DAVAL JR.