DOLE XI new communicators undergo basic writing, photography training

A   training   workshop   on   basic   news   writing   and   photography   was conducted for new news contributors of DOLE Davao Region. A total of fifteen (15)employees   from   the   different   field   offices   of   the   Department   of   Labor   and Employment XI attended the activity.

DOLE XI Regional Director Raymundo G. Agravante said in his opening messagethat, “there is really a need of more communicators from the field offices to properlydocument and report program and project implementations.”The battery of resource speakers were from the Philippine Information Agency XInamely Carina L. Cayon, Information Officer III who discussed Basic News Writing,and Rudolph Ian Alama, Information Officer III who trained the participants on BasicPhotography.

DOLE XI OIC-Asst. Regional Director Jason P. Balais in his inspirational messagesaid that, “the training workshop is very relevant especially on how to determine thegood and bad sides in writing news.” He added that there are news that must not bewritten in advance as well as there are news that must be written otherwise. ARDBalais ended by challenging everyone to come up with more news reports from thefield offices  after the training.

Joining  the  training   workshop   were   Arlene   S.M.   Sicam   and   Jocelyn   C.  Flordelis(DOLE Davao City Field Office), Regina Grace B. Jayagan and Jigg L. Luna (DOLEDavao Occidental Field Office), Henjie B. Gatdula and Dyanarha P. Lavadia (DOLEDavao del Norte Field Office), Erwin P. Daquiado and Eizarina Roselle G. DelosSantos  (DOLE Davao del Sur Field Office)  Joanna Pearl P. Devela and Shalove M.Esmeralda  (DOLE Compostela Valley Field Office), Eduardo P. Monreal, DOLE XI LCO-Designate, Diane Grace B. Tajolosa, Catherine Caguiat and Kristine Rae B. Del Fierro, GIPsassigned at the DOLE XI Technical Support and Services Division.The activity was conducted on June 21, 2019 at the Seda Hotel, J.P. Ave., DavaoCity. / By Eduardo P. Monreal, DOLE XI LCO-Designate

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