PNP welcomes nat’l ID system test run

The Philippine National Police (PNP) welcomed the implementation of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) or national ID system which is set for pilot testing in September.

“The PNP strongly supports the implementation of the Republic Act 11055 or the Philippine Identification System Act or PhilSys which has been signed by President Rodrigo Duterte last August 2018 and it will be piloted this September as the national ID system,” PNP chief, Gen. Oscar Albayalde told reporters during a press briefing at Camp Crame in Quezon City on Monday.

Aside from the assurance of wide-range delivery of government services and privileges, the new ID system would boost PNP’s operational thrust against terrorism, Albayalde said.

On August 6 last year, President Rodrigo R. Duterte signed Republic Act 11055 creating PhilSys which would serve as a single official identification card for all citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines.

Under the law, the national ID shall contain a person’s PhilSys number, full name, gender, blood type, place of birth, date of birth, marital status (optional), mobile number (optional), address, front facing photo, full set of fingerprints and iris scan.

Duterte earlier said the PhilSys would boost his administration’s drive against “social menaces of poverty, corruption, and criminal issues, as well as terrorism and violent extremism”.

Pilot testing for the national ID would be from September to December 2019 wherein a substantial number of Filipinos nationwide would be registered. (PNA)

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