Davao City Water District (DCWD) is looking at developing more production wells to meet the water demand of 132 million cubic meters per year by 2020.
With its current inventory of 65 production wells scattered all over the city, DCWD plans to add at least two production wells a year.
DCWD spokesperson lawyer Bernard Delima said they are receiving almost 1,000 a month for water service applications. He mentioned the 68 high rise buildings and condominiums and 63 subdivisions that are already applying for water service connections that would definitely accelerate the water demand.
“They will become in commission stage in 2021 just in time for Tamugan water (Apo Agua) comes. By 2021, there will be commisioning or we will be operating another 10 production wells and in the span of five years, our 65 production wells can still be operational and can become all operational in conjunction with the delivery of Apo Agua,” he said.
When water demand accelerates, Delima said they will just activate their production wells. He said it would take them around P40 million in putting up a production well.
“You buy the property of at least 200 square meter lot, then we will explore it first. For exploration stage we will be spending P10 million and we will put up pumps and facilities if the exploration is positive. After that we will put up a distribution lines,” he said adding that the only challenge in setting up a production well is not all property owners are willing to sell their property for production wells that is why DCWD needs to locate their production wells far from residential areas like Catigan and Baracatan.
Delima said when the Bulk Water project with Apo Agua Infrastructura (AAII) begins giving them water, they will only be operating at least 15 production wells and the rest will be rested.
“Because their delivery water can still address the demands. Apo Agua will provide 126 million cubic meters per year but the demand of Davao City on 2020 is 132 million cubic meters per year. On 2021 it would be 137 million cubic meters a year. The Apo Agua project cannot really fully answer the water demand of the city,” he said.
Delima added that they are also looking at developing the Lipadas River, which is a surface water.
“In due time maybe in two to three years we will present an unsolicited proposal. The prospect of Davao City having a good water supply in the years to come is very bright because by first half of 2021 a maximum of 126 million cubic meters a year (from Apo Agua) will be delivered but our demand for Davao City is high,” he said.