NNC 11 recognizes outstanding nutrition awardees in RNAC

Despite the ongoing presence of COVID-19, Davao Region continued to pursue and soar in the Nutrition Program where the Local Government Units have exhibited exemplary performance in the management of their nutrition programs.

Recognition is given to awardees on Regional Green Banner, Regional Nutrition Focal Points among Provincial and Municipal Nutrition Action Officers, District/City/Municipal Nutrition Program Coordinators, and Regional Outstanding Barangay Nutrition Scholar.

Local awards such as the Kaugmaon Awards and the Pag-Asa Award are given based on the 2022 Operation Timbang Plus Results Regional Nutritizens Award.

The awards to be given are based on the 2021 performance of the LGUs who participated in the annual Monitoring and Evaluation of Local Level Plan Implementation (MELLPI) PRO in the calendar year 2022 which was conducted by the interagency Regional Nutrition Evaluation Team (RNET) virtually.

The Certificate of Regional Green Banner is given to the province, city, and municipality that has reached the required score range for the Green Banner Category.

LGUs who have reached the Green Banner Level has the opportunity to move on to the crown-level as long as the LGU proclaims with the highest score among the Green Banner Awardees of the Region for three (3) consecutive years.

Recipients of the Green Banner represent the best in the region for their performance in the year 2021 based on MELLPI-PRO mechanics.

The 2022 Regional Green Banner Seal of Compliance is proudly awarded to the LGU in recognition of the nutrition committee’s exemplary performance in managing the nutrition program of the municipality, thereby contributing to the improvement of the nutritional status of its constituents.

As of 2022, there are two (2) LGUs who are recipients of the Regional Green Banner Seal of Compliance, such as the Province of Davao del Norte who received an average score of 88.7 and Municipality of Maco in Davao de Oro with 93.9.

The Regional Nutrition Committee XI presents the Certificate of Participation to the Province of Davao de Oro, LGU of Island Garden City of Samal and Davao City for supporting and participating in the 2022 MELLPI PRO

The selection of the Regional Nutrition Focal Points are based on the evaluation of documents submitted to the regional level and interview.

Furthermore, the BNS evaluation includes an exam and interview following the prescribed protocols as stipulated in the guidelines provided by NNC Central Office.

The regional winners have received a Certificate/Trophy as Regional Nutrition Focal Point and cash award as follow: Regional Outstanding PNAO of 2022 will receive P35,000.00, Regional Outstanding MNAO of 2022 will receive P30,000.00, Regional Outstanding Provincial Nutrition Program Coordinator of 2022 will receive P25,000.00, Regional Outstanding City Nutrition Program Coordinator of 2022 will receive P25,000.00, and the Regional Outstanding Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) will receive P20,000.00

The Island Garden City of Samal of Davao del Norte has been conferred as the 2022 Kaugmaon Awardee, where Mayor Al David Uy received the award.

The Pag-Asa Award is given to an LGU in recognition of its notable achievement with regard to achieving the highest average reduction in malnutrition among preschool children based on Operation Timbang Plus Results.

NNC-XI has repackaged this local award to recognize the lowest prevalence rates of stunting, wasting, underweight, and overweight/obese based on OPT Plus Results on an annual basis to recognize good performance in terms of having the lowest prevalence rates at the provincial, city and municipal levels. (PIA-XI/Edith Isidro/Franchette Delfin)

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