ISPs urged to provide parents with tools to monitor kids’ online activity

The City Council of Davao approves a resolution authored by Councilor Bonz Andre A. Militar, chairperson of the Committee on Information Technology, urging Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide parents and guardians with tools that they need to monitor their children's online activity. LEAN DAVAL JR
The City Council of Davao approves a resolution authored by Councilor Bonz Andre A. Militar, chairperson of the Committee on Information Technology, urging Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide parents and guardians with tools that they need to monitor their children's online activity. LEAN DAVAL JR

The City Council of Davao approved on Tuesday a resolution urging Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide parents and guardians with tools that they need to monitor their children’s online activity.

Authored by Councilor Bonz Andre A. Militar, chairperson of the Committee on Information Technology, the resolution emphasized that ISPs should provide the tools such as blocking inappropriate content and filtering software and websites.

Militar stated that ISPs should also educate parents about online safety risks and how to protect their children online and teach them how to use parental control software.

“As parents and guardians, we need to talk to our children about online safety. We need them to understand the risks of sharing personal information online, and teach them how to identify and avoid online predators. Also, we should monitor our children’s online activity and keep track of what websites they are visiting and who they are talking to online and finally, set clear rules for internet use and enforce those rules consistently,” Militar said.

Militar cited that the Internet has become the most convenient tool in providing access to information and that the ease of access and widespread use of the Internet have produced worrisome implications for the vulnerable, especially children.

“As a parent, I know how difficult it can be to keep track of what our children are doing on the internet. That is why I believe it is important for parents to take an active role in their children’s online lives,” Militar said.

Militar emphasized that ISPs have a social responsibility to help keep children safe online.

The resolution was passed in time for the “Safer Internet Day” on February 11, wherein more than one hundred countries around the world joined the celebration.

“Today is a global day of celebration for Safer Internet Day for Children. Today is an important day that reminds us of the dangers that children face online,” Militar said.

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