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Better than National Geographic

by Milbie and Maya

BLUE, yellow, pink, and green motorboats rush across the deep, blue sea adding to the vibrant atmosphere on this early morning cruise in the Celebes Sea as I and my companions head toward the island we have heard so much about.

The sun beams over the unruffled sea that mirrors a cloudless sky. We lightly glide over the water going southward, the pleasant breeze cooling our skin. I am with Myra and Beverly, my pals since high school, and friendly Manuel who owns the blue motorboat we are on board of. Behind the wheel is Manong Miko, the navigator and captain of our motorboat.

He tells us that Tuka Marine Park lies 2.5 kilometers southwest of the poblacion of Kiamba, reachable only by a 20-minute boat ride. The early settlers of Kiamba called the park Tuka, for its figure resembles a bird’s beak called “tuka”(accent on the last syllable)  in the local dialect.
Bordered by rocks, Tuka is divided into four curved sections: First Tuka, Second Tuka, Third Tuka, and Fourth Tuka.

As we move farther across the open sea, I turn to face our point of origin and hurriedly take several pictures capturing the scenery where talisay trees shade a picnic-perfect gazebo inside a children’s playground. Behind it stands the charming white town hall where the two men who a while ago were standing and smoking on the stairway are probably still in deep conversation. 

I watch the playground fade slowly in the distance as the lush mountains that shelter the borough we are headed for come into clearer view. It is exhilarating seeing the one hundred year-old trees in the distance depicting a vivid image of untouched nature and stretched before it the entire Celebes Sea. Already I feel like I’m on the set of Survivor. 

Manuel warns us of big waves far ahead as we sail westward to track Tuka. I put my camera back in its plastic case and hand it to him lest I accidentally drop it. Myra, Beverly and I scream and tremble as waves angrily slam against our motorboat. Amused, Manuel tells us to hold on tight. We need no prodding.

Anxiously we clasp each other and the boat, our hair playing with the wind, the seaspray wetting our bodies. Within minutes we spot the rock-strewn coast and in no time we are right in the middle of the First Tuka, approaching the shore.

The Deserted Coast
A welcoming ambiance of serenity and cold air greets us. Only the noise of the boat’s engine disturbs the solemnity of this deserted coast enhanced even more by the whisper of the wind and the sound of waves breaking on the rocky shore.

I spit into my snorkeling mask and spread the saliva to its corners. Now that it’s clean, I jump into the water with Myra and Beverly in tow. We put on our masks and float around in the sparkling blue-green water awed by our first breath-taking sight of corals, crustaceans, and fishes we had until then only admired on the National Geographic Channel.

There are jagged-looking corals that look like miniature tree limbs, some fan-shape, and pink and orange flowers. Several huge brain-like corals hug the seabed, their skin appearing to ripple and sway in the water like wary animals without eyes.

Striped fish, yellow fish, red fish, silver fish appear and disappear, smartly wriggling their bodies and zigzagging in all directions every time I try to touch them but in vain. That is because fish have a special sense organ called the lateral line to coordinate sudden turns and permitting the fish to feel the nearness of a predator and identify food or other fish.

The pebble-covered, sandy beach stretches away in the distance for about 600 meters. Over to one side I see a lush mountain without a single evidence that humans had once trod upon this part of the planet. Willowy palm trees cover the mountain and down to the very edge of the shore.

Fascinated, I tread inland, but seeing nothing of interest, I walk back to my waiting companions, happily aware that in this lifetime I have stepped foot on an island that hasn’t yet been violated by an expanding population. There are no cottages that mar the landscape, no cafes, spa salons, shower rooms. Not even toilets. There are no stores in sight or houses for that matter; no electric poles, no other people – just us. Our loud voices and laughter reach all the way to the mountainside and come echoing back to us.

Life-vests and snorkeling gadgets in hand, we stroll along the length of the pebbly shore to explore the whole coastline. I learn from Manuel that the local government of Kiamba intends to keep Tuka as a marine sanctuary, restricting anything that jeopardizes the bionetwork in this area. This is the reason why no facilities are constructed here and why visitors who come to Tuka to swim or enjoy a round of beach volleyball must bring containers in which to keep their trash for disposal elsewhere.

Tuka has in fact been declared a protected area by the local government. It has a total of 12 hectares core zone that is exclusively for research and study by environmental scientists and marine biologists who come here to collect stones and observe the biodiversity. Even fishers are prohibited from fishing in its waters in order to let fish spawn in peace.

I linger for a moment taking in the exotic surroundings. It is obvious to me now why Tuka, unlike so many other places, has to be kept in its natural charm. Simplicity and serenity are its very essence that detach it from our hustle-bustle world. For indeed Tuka could never have become an underwater haven if it were polished into a sophisticated resort people flock to every weekend. Let cities grow and countrysides develop but leave Tuka be, a precious pearl lying safely in its shell, unaffected by humanity.

Focus: Education – Schools offering new courses to meet global competition

TO meet the demand of the competitive global market, higher learning institutions in Davao City and adjacent provinces are offering new courses consistent with the policies and guidelines of the Commission on Higher Education (Ched).
Among these newly offered courses are Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management which evolved from the traditional Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM).
“We may have some other connotation with the word hospitality, but it is the term being used in the global market,” said Dr. Edward S. Aquino, chief education program specialist of Ched 11.
Other courses that spin off from the traditional HRM program are the Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Bachelor of Science in Travel Management. These courses were both previously integrated as mere subjects of the HRM course.
“Recent developments in the field of tourism necessitated a separate course for every specialization. Nevertheless, the institutions are still given the option to retain the traditional HRM course,” Aquino said.
In the field of education, new courses that are now being offered separately are the Bachelor of Science in Guidance Counseling and Bachelor of Science in Information and Library Science.
While these courses were previously mere fields of specialization or majors for those who took a course in secondary education, school guidance counselors and librarians will now have to pass licensure examinations for them to practice their professions.
Other new courses offered by schools in the region are the Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, formerly a mere major of secondary education course. Under the new BSPE, students can either major in PE Management for those who intend to teach PE in schools or major in Physical Wellness Management for those who plan to teach aerobics or other forms of physical exercises in fitness and wellness centers which are now sprouting in the country.
For those who want to teach practical arts, vocational and technical skills, they must now also take the new Bachelor of Science in Technical Education course.  
“We must ensure that we are competitive globally,” Aquino stressed.

Focus: Education – Davao City has the only Japanese college in RP

THE only Japanese college in the entire Philippines is found in Davao City. It was established in 2001 out of the joint contributions from the Japanese couple Mr. Tatsuo and Mrs. Ayako Uchida, the Japan-Philippines Volunteers Association and the effort of Filipinos of Japanese descent in Davao City. The college is called the Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku (MKD). Its English translation is Mindanao International College.
MKD is totally different from other universities and colleges in Davao City. As a part of its curriculum, students have to take 18 units of compulsory Japanese language and cultural subjects. Despite being a new institution in the midst of a competitive academic environment, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku has produced graduates who have successfully positioned themselves in multinational companies, both in the Philippines and in Japan.
MKD dedicates itself to teaching its students how to master the Japanese language and is one of the top producers of Japanese Language Proficiency Test passers in Mindanao. Aside from that, the college has also been successful in sending its students to participate in International Study Tours. This year alone, 18 MKD students have been chosen to go to Japan for an all-expense paid cultural and Nihongo program. Last year, ten MKD students were sent to Japan for a two-week long cultural immersion and educational tour.
The college also hosts programs that bind the Philippines and the Japanese nation. Annually, the Philippines-Japan Festival is supported and participated in by Japanese organizations, business entities and individuals. The celebration highlights the beauty of both Filipino and Japanese cultures and creates a dialogue through cultural presentations, contests and creative exhibits.
MKD also hosts the Nihongo Speechfest every year which is participated by its students as well as students from other schools. Speaking of the national level, MKD is no doubt one of the best Nihongo institutions in the Philippines as its students never fail to claim the top three positions in the annual National Nihongo Speech Contest.
MKD believes in the importance of education in the lives of the youth of today. This is why the college has incorporated Japanese language to its curriculum to make its graduates more competitive internationally. This is the time to make the right choice for your future. Invest your education at Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku.

Focus: Education – AMACC: Its beginnings and leaps in the global arena

AMA Education System (AMAES) started as an Institute of Computer Studies. Technology at a time when it was a new tool, both in the realms of education and business. But its founder, Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, saw a vision of the Philippines as the world’s premier source of manpower through computer education, hence, he vigorously pursued his plan of setting up a center of computer learning in every corner of the Philippines.
A year later, an optimistic response from computer enthusiasts encouraged the institute to offer a four-year course in Computer Science – the first in the Philippines then – and was thus renamed AMA Computer College. In 1983, the institution grew into a network of colleges in Metro Manila.
By 1989, the AMAES began its provincial expansion by putting up a college campus in Cebu. Currently, there are 40 AMA colleges scattered all over the Philippines. Then, came the realization of the AMA Education System’s vision and mission – spearheading in providing computer education in the country.
With the desire to respond to the need for IT skilled workforce in the local and international community, and at the same time provide a specialized learning according to specific field of interests, AMA International Institute of Technology, AMA Computer Learning Center, ABE International College of Business and Economics, AMA School of Medicine and the Saint Augustine School of Nursing were installed by Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, the father of computer education in the Philippines.
In 1999, AMA Computer College made another breakthrough – it became the first computer school to be awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 Certification and was later on conferred the honor of being the first Computer University in the Far East. This certification further attests to the world-class quality education that AMA offers.
Realizing the vital role that technology plays in our day-to-day lives, AMA focused on developing and designing advanced methodologies in education and competitive educational programs which are all geared toward Information Technology-based education to all the courses it is offering such as, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science Electronics Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and Bachelor of Science in Tourism to name a few.
At AMA, the curriculum for all degree programs are I.T.-enhanced, designed to match its state-of-the art computer laboratories, Wi-Fi enabled campuses to connect to the world with dynamic and experienced faculty honed in developmental and technological learning methodologies.
When employment became a vital issue all over the world, AMA Computer College of Davao had long been prepared for easy employment opportunities for all its graduates via its AMA partnership Linkages and Employment Services (APPLES). This is because AMA Computer College has relevant, strategic, local, national and international alliances and partnerships such as SAP University Alliance Program, ORACLE Academy, Microsoft, Autodesk, CISCO Networking Academy, PEARSON Value, JEDI, GEORGIAN, Bicsi, SYSTIMAX Solutions and FLUKE Networks that incessantly forged to ensure AMA graduates are in demand world-wide and equipped with the certification that are recognized in most countries around the world.   
To name a few of its achievements, AMACC-Davao Campus is an accredited testing center under Pearson – VUE Australia on international certifications like CISCO, MCP and the like; it has been cited as the 2004 CISCO Local Academy of the Year among the different CISCO Academies in the ASIA Pacific Region; AMACC-Davao Cisco instructor had been awarded as the most outstanding Cisco instructor in the Asia Pacific regions in the year 2004; a consistent awardee as Champion and 1st runner-up in the Mindanao and National CISCO skills competitions since 2006; while most of its graduates are positioned successfully in the four corners of the globe handling vital and key positions in both the academe and in the IT industry.
As AMAES grow by leaps and bounds, the institution remains committed to its unending vision to become the leader and dominant provider of relevant and globally-recognized education and training in information and communication technology in the world.
With AMA’s advanced information technology-based and world-class education, AMA leads, AMA works, AMA connects to the world.

Aerial spraying study DOH does a sloppy job

A study on aerial pesticide  spraying commissioned by the Department of Health (DOH) in a sitio of Hagonoy, Davao del Sur was roundly criticized for being “half-baked” or “flawed” by the banana industry and members of the media who managed to get copies of the findings when the study was presented in Davao City last Tuesday.
Most of the 11-man study team led by a Dr. Allan R. Dionisio, principal investigator, attended the presentation. Dr. Dionisio’s co-investigators were Drs. Lynn Crisanta R. Panganiban, Carissa C. Dioquino, Nelia P. Cortes-Maramba, Annabelle Yumang, Joselito C. Pascual, Jose Paciano T. Reyes, Lurenda H. Suplido-Westegaard, Erle S. Castillo and Nerissa M. Dando and engineer Ana T. Francisco-Rivera. They belong to either the Philippine Society of Clinical and Occupational Toxicology and the National Poison Management and Control Center of the University of the Philippines.
The study was conducted among 38 residents — 16 adults and 22 children — of Sitio Camocaan, Barangay Aplaya, a depressed community next to the banana plantation of the Guihing Agricultural and Development Corp. (Gadeco), owned by Lapanday Foods Corporation, in Hagonoy, Davao del Sur.
A cross-sectional study was also conducted in Sitio Baliwaga, Barangay Tuban, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur which was used as the control group as it is 15 kilometers away from the nearest banana plantation, and thus qualified the area to be a good comparison against Sitio Camocaan.

However, a perusal of the study showed that the findings failed to establish a direct correlation between distance of residence from plantation and the diseases linked to aerially-sprayed pesticides.
“During the date of the examination, review of systems showed Baliwaga residents had more complaints than the residents from the Camocaan group. Physical examination revealed that Baliwaga residents had significantly more anemia, dental caries and impacted cerumen compared to the Camocaan group,” said one of the conclusions of the study. 
While admitting the need for further investigation, the joint study team has recommended among others that aerial spraying of pesticides should be stopped.
“(Their) call for a ban on aerial spraying was not consistent with their own findings. The data generated by the study is inadequate and shows no correlation between the health concerns raised by the Camocaan respondents and insignificant and non-detectable levels of supposedly toxic chemicals officially ‘detected’ by the researchers in the village. Yet, their conclusion was still for the ban on aerial spraying,” said Malaya columnist Ducky Paredes.
The held belief that aerial spraying was directly responsible for illnesses was already established by the researchers even in the introductory portion of the study.
“Pesticides are poisons. The health hazards for those directly exposed to pesticides…are obvious. Studies in other countries demonstrate that communities (in close proximity to farms and plantations) can, in fact, be contaminated by pesticides that inadvertently spread from the agricultural to the residential area,” said their introduction.
To this, Paredes retorts: “Why even gather data when one’s conclusion was already pre-determined and is not supported by the collected data?”
Condrado R. Banal of the Philippine Daily Inquirer ridiculed the Camoocan research as “our award for the most outstanding stupid study of the year.”
Banal was amused over the Dionisio team’s aerial ban recommendation despite the “statistically negligible” levels of fungicide anywhere in the area.
“The most logical conclusion is clear. And that is, according to the study, the government should ban aerial spraying. Really? My only comment is, well, what has that got to do with the price of egg in China?” said Banal sarcastically.
Jojo Robles of the Manila Standard said the findings of the joint study showed that the researchers failed to establish a clear link between health issues and aerial spraying by not taking into consideration basic conditions like income, eating preferences and even medical conditions that could have been the result of pregnancy, malnutrition, smoking, alcoholism, poor diet in the residents of the village that they studied, instead of exposure to fungicides sprayed from above.
The Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association (PBGEA) headed by Stephen Antig said the drastic recommendation by the two research groups on the ban was not consistent with at least five of their official findings, which betrayed the “inadequacies” of the study and showed no correlation between the health concerns raised by the Camocaan respondents and the insignificant, if not nondetectable, levels of supposedly toxic chemicals detected by the researchers in the village.
“If pesticide residues detected are within the US EPA permissible level, is the conclusion to ban aerial spraying a logical one?” asked Dr. Emily Fabregar, head of Research and Development of Lapanday, in noting that their procedure of fungicide use has been approved by the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority. 
PBGEA also said that two more findings of the joint study should have also prevented the two research groups from making their conclusion on the supposed link between the health issues and aerial spraying.
These are the poor economic conditions, and eating preference of the residents, of Camocaan in comparison to Baliwaga’s, adding that with the average monthly income of a measly P2,550 in the former village, malnutrition was at a very high rate of 40.9 percent as against only 4.0 percent in Baliwaga.
“The ongoing controversy over aerial spraying in the banana plantations of Davao will not die just on the say-so of the agency. If anything, because of its sloppy work and its penchant for grabbing headlines, the department may have just pushed back the deadline for finding out the truth, “ columnist Robles said.
Aside from the case now in the Court of Appeals on the constitutionality of the Davao City Ordinance banning aerial spraying, there are two proposed bills in the Senate and the House of Representatives on the same subject.
The PBGEA is also reportedly preparing a formal letter of complaint about the “half-baked” study on Sitio Camocaan.

Toke’Alfo, the mysterious shrine

by Maya Flaminda Vandenbroeck

WHILE everybody else is probably still in bed, or just waking up, my friends and I are already on the road headed toward Maasim municipality in Sarangani where we intend to meet Pastor Isla who has promised to guide us to Tampat Shrine.
It is a huge pile of rocks left as tribute by people of long ago. But tribute to whom? This is what my friends and I intend to find out.
We arrive at Pastor Isla’s house near the beach in Tinoto at around 6:30 a.m. and after a quick round of introductions, he gets in the car with us. A couple of minutes later he tells Triple, our guide from the governor’s office, to stop the car at a rusty padlocked gate along the General Santos-Sarangani highway.
Pastor Isla points to the other side of the highway where mountains border a ranch as far as the eye can see. Looking closely at the cliffs, we spot the biggest clam in the world, which from our point of view, has become just a speck in the distance but is still clearly visible. Pastor Isla tells us that the clam has been featured several times on national television. He then gets out of the car and calls out loudly to the caretakers of the property on our side of the highway to let us in, because he says in Blaan, “We have come to take a look at Tampat Shrine!”
A boy comes and opens the gate to a vast ranch of thin trees and lots of thorny bushes, but no cattle. The pathway is so uneven that we decide to leave the car some 200 meters away from the gate. In single file, we go down the rocky lane strewn with limestone, and by the time we reach the shore of the Celebes Sea, we are all sweating and thirsty.
We walk along the sandy road with the open sea on our right and on the left, huge slabs of shale lining the shore. Finally, we reach the edge of the shoreline where, behind a cluster of houses, is the strangest pile of rocks I have ever seen. It stands more than three meters high, and we are told, each rock got to this spot through the years as homage to Sultan Falalisan. He was a legendary Blaan who had the ability to navigate the seas on a large kawa or cooking pot. (It is a figurative way of saying that he was such a good navigator that he could sail in any contraption—even a cooking pot.)
From where we are standing beside Tampat Shrine, we see a cove with deep blue waters. Three fishers, each in his own banca or boat, sit motionless waiting for fish to take bait. Triple informs us the area is Sigil Cove, where South Point, a popular diving spot, is located. Tampat Shrine happens to be at the very corner of shoreline where the Celebes Sea meets Saranggani Bay.The Shrine’s location is so ideal that it has become the starting point of the annual swimming competition held during the Sarangani Bay Festival every May. Pointing across the sea, Triple says we are facing the Municipality of Glan, the final destination of the swimming competition, and the southernmost municipality of Sarangani.
Pastor Isla tells us that the piled rocks marking the grave of Sultan Falalisan is called Toke’Alfo, a Blaan phrase meaning, One Coconut Tree. This is strange because I have not seen a single coconut growing along the shore. Pastor Isla explains that according to legend, Al Ma’bat, a Blaan forebear of Sultan Falalisan, planted a coconut tree on the spot where the Shrine now stands.
Just like an improvised light tower, I muse. A coconut or shrine located at the point where the Celebes Sea meets Sarangani Bay could serve as a practical navigational marker! Was the Shrine a navigational marker for seafarers looking for protected deep anchorage for their sea vessels? The South Point area of Sigil Cove looks like an ideal spot.
A salty smell from the rocks permeates Tampat Shrine and I decide to walk around to investigate. Some rocks have pieces of nylon rope or string tied through holes. They are probably anchor weights brought by fishers. Carefully circling the Shrine clockwise, I notice slabs of shale in upright position forming 11 rectangles which are clear of rocks and shrubs. A ramp with a north-to-south orientation leads to the top of the Shrine.
It seems to me that Tampat Shrine is consistent with records of burial practices by seafarers of the Indo-Pacific region. When I studied at University, I remember reading that it was not unusual to build the burial ground of a seafarer with a ramp oriented in a north–south direction leading to the top of the burial ground. In fact, ship captains were buried facing the pole star. Were Sultan Falalisan’s shipmates buried around the Shrine as indicated by these shale-lined rectangles? The women in the hut of the family designated as the Shrine’s caretakers confirm my guess that people have been buried here but they do not know who.
Also interesting are the white banners placed at the top of Tampat Shrine which are clearly mourning flags of Muslim influence. In fact, the family in charge of the Shrine are of Blaan descent but practice Islam. This is quite extraordinary because over the centuries, Lumad tribes have steadfastly stuck to their belief systems despite foreigners settling down and introducing Islam and Christianity. This sense of self-preservation of Mindanao’s Lumads is precisely why the Spanish colonizers failed to convert them.

For a moment I become still, moved by the history of the place. Standing under the tree that is growing beside the Shrine, I face the sea and sense the dead seafarers’ spirits around me. I take some pictures and try to capture the serenity of it all. As we trace our steps back to the car, Pastor Isla begins to tell us the story of Tampat Shrine told to him by his late grandfather:
“A long time ago, a Maguidanaoan merchant, Sultan Falasab, reached the shores of Tinoto. Because his ship needed some repairs, he sent his men to the forest to get rattan vines. On the way to the forest, the men saw a tree house, which was the customary house of Blaans at that time. In the tree house was a small boy and a beautiful girl with very long hair that reached the ground. The men took the girl and brought her to the Sultan.”
“The girl’s name was Foi’Ble and she had four older brothers, Fo’n Bong, Fo’n Tukay, Foi’ Talaot, and Al Ma’bat. The brothers were out hunting in the forest and when they returned to their tree house, they found their sister was gone. Following the footprints leading away from their house, the brothers arrived at the beach where they saw their sister on the Sultan’s ship. Very angry, the brothers shot a volley of arrows towards the ship. When Sultan Falasab saw the brothers, he asked for peace and then asked to marry Foi’Ble because he loved her deeply. The brothers agreed but only after Sultan Falasab paid a dowry equivalent to the number of strands in Foi’Ble’s hair. The Sultan then brought Foi’Ble to Maguindanao where they lived from then on.”
“Sultan Falalisan, who is buried in Tampat Shrine, is the descendant of Foi’Ble and Sultan Falasab. Born out of their union, Sultan Falalisan became a Blaan–Maguindanaon who practiced Islam. He was also a navigator like Sultan Falasab and since Foi’Ble came from Tinoto, Sultan Falalisan had a reason to visit the place time and again. As a navigator, he probably anchored his ship at Sigil Cove, and used the lone coconut tree as his navigational marker. When he died, he was probably buried beneath the coconut tree.”
I can very well imagine that because Sultan Falalisan was highly respected due to his royal lineage and his being an excellent navigator, seafarers visited his grave and lay rocks as tokens of respect. And possibly to also ask for still waters in the coasts they were headed.
Incredibly, the story of Tampat Shrine reveals the intermingling of Blaan and Maguindanaon culture; of the Lumad and Muslim beliefs. The hero, Sultan Falalisan, is the intrepid navigator who charted peace and harmony amid the currents of cultural diversity. Although Tampat Shrine’s significance may have been lost in our history, its presence reminds us that before we even existed, other people existed. Who knows, this area around the Shrine might have been a bustling harbor once upon a time. I imagine the mountains in the distance full of deer and the shore full of high trees where people used to live. I gaze at the rocky hill formations looming over Tampat Shrine and wonder where the weary seafarers went to rest and sleep.
Time changes many things; people come and go, changing the environment with them. Yet some things resist the change of time, like great men who died but whose stories continue to be told.
(Visit www.mayaflaminda.blogspot.com for more snippets of the author’s daily encounters with the corrupt, crazy, profound, interesting, famous at work, at home, in the jeepney, at the beach, on the plane. You get the picture.)

Looming power crisis in Mindanao: real, or bogey?

IS THE alleged looming power shortage in Mindanao as projected by a government agency and some private companies, real or just a bogey calculated to serve some selfish interests?
This question was raised this week when an economist from the University of the Philippines-Diliman expressed doubt over claims by the Department of Energy (DOE) and some power generating companies that Mindanao will shortly suffer island-wide power outages because of the failure of the power sector to generate new electric power capacity as an adjunct to existing hydropower plant and other power sources.
UP professor Dr. Maria Teresa Diokno-Pascual, was quoted in an e-mailed press release that she doubts there will be a power crisis in Mindanao.
Dr. Pascual, reportedly an economist, has been studying the country’s electricity demand projections. She claims there appears to be little, if no statistical, basis for forecasting demand for electricity.
In earlier news stories and press statements, the looming power crisis was reportedly predicted by the DOE, the Aboitiz Group, whose subsidiary Hedcor is developing power plants in many parts of the country, and the Alsons Group which is also in the same business.
Instead, she advised government to put primacy on the need of millions of people for water and the protection of the Tamugan-Panigan River.
Alsons is developing a coal-fired plant costing $450 million in Sarangani, while Hedcor of Aboitiz is embroiled in a conflict with the Davao City Water District over the right to develop the Tamugan-Panigan River complex in Calinan.
Dr. Pascual was in Davao City to address consumers and environment advocates during a recent forum entitled “Power Over Water: Creating a Crisis in Davao” at the Mindanao Training and Resource Center in Bajada.
Pascual explained that in looking at this crisis in Davao, it is necessary to revisit government and private sector power projections and what is driving growth in Mindanao and what kind of development do people in Mindanao want.
She said she found government projections on energy needs often hard to believe because the estimates do not come from the ground. She said the power crisis bogey has often been used to force the people to accept controversial projects.
“Yet, historically, if you look at the time when the supposed crisis should have hit, sobra-sobra pa ang supply ng electricity dahil mali-mali ang projections nila,” one news account quoted her as saying.
Defending the power sector, Joseph C. Nocos, vice president for business development of the ALTO Power Management Corporation, a member of the Alcantara Group, said that “probably we’re looking at different sets of assumptions.”
Nocos said the DOE and power sector’s assumption that power demand will grow by 10 percent is based on historical precedent.
“We looked at the growth rate pattern for power demand in Mindanao over the last 10 years and the number that we’re getting is close to three percent per annum,” he said.
Nocos added that the projections of the DOE and those of the Aboitiz and Alcantara groups did not even take into account new commercial and industrial loads that are going to come in, and that the projections did not yet include the load needed by Robinson’s shopping mall and SM which would need a total of five megawatts.
“Of course, there are other developments, like for example, if the Hanjin Shipyard in Cagayan de Oro comes on stream, that’s a minimum of 100 megawatts of new load that is not considered in the projections,” Nocos said.
The Alsons executive also took exception to ugly stories that the whole power crisis thing is being drummed up and that the growth in demand for power will really come from mining companies. “We don’t know really if any of these investments in mining will come in, but those investments are not considered in the projections.”
“Our growth projections, like the ones of the DOE, are based on empirical data subjected to rigid statistical calculations that will ensure that our projections are correct,” he said. “We cannot invest in a power plant based on wrong assumptions or concoct demand when there is none.”
“Remember, we are investing $450 million, or almost P20 billion. We cannot afford to make a huge investment not based on solid empirical data.”
He also said the other thing that must not be overlooked is the crisis of power cost.
“Mindanao is dependent on hydro and no new hydro capacity is coming in, so what will happen?”  He said that while demand is growing, the hydro capacity remains fixed, so utilization of non-hydro capacity or oil-based capacity is going to increase and that will increase our cost of power,” Nocos said.

Porky’s revenge! [The Swine Flu story]

by Maria Teresa L. Ungson

TIME Magazine has recently recognized the Philippine “Lechon” as the best pork dish in Asia!  And pork is indeed delicious to those who eat this regularly.  Since pork is a regular part of the Christian Pinoy’s daily menu, so many hogs have been raised and slaughtered to feed the nation. 
With the emergence of Swine Flu, it makes one think that fate can get twisted at times.  Although we cannot get the “flu” by eating pork, this strain is airborne.  Like all influenza viruses, swine flu viruses change constantly. Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge.
Influenza viruses can be directly transmitted from pigs to people and from people to pigs. Human infection with flu viruses from pigs are most likely to occur when people are in close proximity to infected pigs, such as in pig barns and livestock exhibits housing pigs at fairs. Human-to-human transmission of swine flu can also occur. This is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu occurs in people, which is mainly person-to-person transmission through coughing or sneezing of people infected with the influenza virus. People may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. You cannot get swine influenza from eating pork or pork products.
The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Global situation
Swine flu has pushed the World Health Organization to raise its pandemic alert level to phase 5 as of April 29, which means that a pandemic is imminent.
It’s the second time in a week that the World Health Organization (WHO) has raised its pandemic alert level, which ranges from phase 1 (low risk of a pandemic) to phase 6 (a full-blown pandemic is under way).
“The biggest question is, how severe will the pandemic be?” WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said in a news conference in Geneva. “We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them.”
Chan said the swine flu situation is changing rapidly and the swine flu virus is still “poorly understood.”
Chan called on all governments around the world to “immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plan,” noting that each country is free to make its own pandemic plans — and that many countries have been working on pandemic preparedness for years, thanks to concerns about bird flu (avian flu). “The world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history.”
Putting an alert at Phases 5 signals that the virus is becoming increasingly adept at spreading among humans. That move could lead governments to set trade, travel and other restrictions aimed at limiting its spread.  Phase 6 is for a full-blown pandemic, characterized by outbreaks in at least two regions of the world.  It could take 4-6 months before the first batch of vaccines are available to fight the virus, WHO officials said. 
Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan said they would quarantine visitors showing symptoms of the virus amid global fears of a pandemic, an epidemic spread over a large area, either a region or worldwide.
European and U.S. markets bounced back from early losses as pharmaceutical stocks were lifted by expectations that health authorities will increase stockpiles of anti-viral drugs. Stocks of airlines, hotels and other travel-related companies posted sharper losses.
Governments in Asia — with potent memories of previous flu outbreaks — were especially cautious. Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines dusted off thermal scanners used in the 2003 SARS crisis and were checking for signs of fever among passengers from North America. South Korea, India and Indonesia also announced screening.

RP response
Philippine Health Secretary Francisco Duque has informed the public that there are no reported cases of Swine Flu in the country to date.
As a preventive measure, people were advised to observe proper personal hygiene practices such as handwashing, covering the nose/mouth when coughing, and to go for check-up if one is suffering from symptoms of swine flu. 
Moreover, Secretary Duque together with Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap have set-up measures to prevent the country from contamination. 
A tight watch is in place through the health and agriculture quarantine offices at the airports and ports to check on passengers coming from infected countries.  The Department of Agriculture has likewise placed a ban on the entry of swine and its by-products from countries that have flu cases.  

Davao situation
Thanks to the good performance of the regional and city animal quarantine offices of the Department of Agriculture, Davao City and the rest of region 11 has remained uncontaminated with Swine Flu.  There is a temporary ban on meat coming from Mexico, Canada and the U.S.  There were no noted changes in the buying pattern of the public of pork and its by-products.  People regionwide still include pork in their daily diet.  There is no panic among the residents of Davao relative to the Swine Flu epidemic. 
To maintain a healthy economic and commercial livestock sector, the Department of Agriculture XI and its local counterparts have been vigilant in addressing situations that can cause epidemics among the livestock.  It is noted that Davao region has and still remains to be FMD free in the country.  Even cases of Hog Cholera in Malita, Davao del Sur has been contained and addressed appropriately by the DA.     

Blocking transmission
It is in the best interest of both human public health and animal health that transmission of influenza viruses from pigs to people, from people to pigs, from birds to pigs and from pigs to birds be minimized.  The following steps are potentially useful to reduce transmission of influenza viruses between pigs and people:
n Influenza virus vaccination of pigs – While the swine influenza virus vaccines used today may not induce sterilizing immunity nor completely eliminate clinical signs of infection, vaccination of pigs can reduce the levels of virus shed by infected animals, and thus reduce the potential for human exposure and zoonotic infections.
n Influenza virus vaccination of swine farm workers – The vaccines produced on a yearly basis for the human population contain only human, not swine, strains of influenza viruses. Nonetheless, these vaccines are likely to provide some level of protection against infection with swine viruses of the same hemagglutinin subtype. Conversely, vaccination of farm workers will reduce the amounts of viruses they shed if infected during human influenza outbreaks, and thereby limit the potential for human influenza virus infection of their pigs.
■ Sick-leave policies – To further reduce the chances for infection of pigs with human influenza viruses, the farm owner should provide sick-leave policies for employees that encourage them to remain away from work when they are suffering from acute respiratory infections. People typically shed influenza viruses for approximately 3-7 days, with the period of peak shedding correlated with the time of most severe clinical illness.
n Ventilation – Ventilation systems in containment production facilities should be designed to minimize re-circulation of air within animal housing rooms. This is important to reduce the exposure of pigs to viruses from other pigs, to reduce their exposure to human influenza viruses, and conversely, to reduce exposure of workers to swine influenza viruses.
n Basic hygiene practices -Workers should change clothes prior to leaving swine barns for office facilities, food breaks or their homes. In addition, hand-to-face contact should be minimized and hand-washing stations should be available throughout the animal housing areas. Influenza viruses spread not just by inhalation of aerosolized virus, but also by eye and nose contact with droplets of respiratory secretions.

Editorial Cartoon

Maxima and other amazing places to go (A Sports Unlimited escapade) Part 2

by Maya Flaminda Vandenbroeck

AS I’m not used to the limelight, our Blue Jaz trip was quite memorable. Never had I seen such a deluge of thrilled fans who showed their adoration for Dyan and Marc by unabashedly taking pictures with their camera phones. I couldn’t help asking Dyan’s husband how he felt. He joked: okay lang as long as the fans don’t start kissing Dyan! Somebody else from the Sports Unlimited crew informed me fame’s not that bad; its perks exceed its inconveniences. Before everything got too crazy, we quickly walked to the waiting ribs and sped to our fourth and last stop for the day: Kembali.
This Asian Balinese leisure residential resort spreads over 50 hectares and is being developed by Filinvest. Kembali’s smallest lot for sale is 750 sq. m., which I must say, is gigantic compared to the usual 140 sq. m.; big enough to not be bothered by noisy next door neighbors who play loud music the moment they wake up. How I’d love to snap up one of these lots and live in blissful s-i-l-e-n-c-e. Pinky, the sales team head, told me Kembali’s a favorite of balikbayans who want to retire in peace and quiet. (Right on.) Sure fits the resort’s name – Kembali – Indonesian for “I welcome you” or “I return my love to you.” Additional perks that homeowners can enjoy are Kembali’s aqua sports facilities and rent out one of the three overnight casitas at P3,000 for six persons. [Those interested in checking out the lots at Kembali may call (028) 227-0946.]
I befriended Sylvia le Bot, one of Kembali’s guests who lives in Europe but has dived all over the Philippines: Apo Reef in Mindoro, Anilao in Batangas, Donsol in Sorsogon, Apo Island in Negros Oriental, and so on. Sylvia gushed with typical French passion about her fascination with the Philippines, a country she visits every year. Several days ago, while working on her inventory of the biodiversity along Kembali’s coast, Sylvia chanced upon a butanding (whale shark)! “Every day,” she said, “there’s something new to see. Kembali’s location at the junction where Davao Gulf meets Talikud Strait is perfect for sighting migrating big fish.” At the same time, Sylvia continues to be amazed by the richness of Kembali’s resident underwater creatures that she has not found in other diving sites she’s been to. For several weeks now, her routine has been walking along the coast of Kembali to scrutinize the shells so that she knows what she’ll meet alive when she goes in the water.
Sylvia mused that it will be a real pity to have them disappear because of development and careless and irresponsible divers who do more than just take pictures. (Davao Coast Guard please take note and regulate diving already so that we won’t anymore be hearing horror stories of divers wreaking havoc on Davao City’s marine life with their blatant disrespect.) This is one of the reasons Sylvia, with the approval of Kembali’s management, has made it her personal mission to finish her photo documentation, and use these to have Kembali’s waters declared a protected natural park with guided tourism and controlled fishing to ensure the place remains a marine life sanctuary.
The next day’s escapade had us going off to Hagimit Falls where we were shooed in at the entrance without paying the obligatory P5-entrance fee (which on second thought we should have done). On our way down the stairs we met a local, Alex Angcos, who was lugging two sacks of debris. Alex’s in charge of picking up trash and patrolling the area every Saturday and Sunday; a job for which he gets paid P200 each week. Filming began as soon as we reached the water where Marc, his mom, Dyan and her son, tried out most of the little and big waterfalls that make up the stretch that’s Hagimit Falls. “It’s like massage,” Marc’s mom kept telling me.
Later in the day after some more kayaking and slide-to-the-abyss runs – first, chest down, and then butt down – we packed up and cruised back to the mainland where we headed to the newly developed commercial area located inside Davao Riverfront Corporate City, along Ma-a Diversion Highway. Our first stop was Crocodile Park where 600 Philippine Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus mendorensis) are kept. According to the website http://www.davaocrocodilepark.com, this species of crocodiles are the smallest in the world and were once found in the entire archipelago but are now endangered because of commercial exploitation and its habitat being converted for agricultural purposes to satisfy a rapidly expanding human population.
Crocodile Park, a privately owned rescue unit of wildlife animals, aims to protect and conserve the critically endangered Philippine Freshwater Crocodile through educating the public about them. Shows like Wildlife Encounter, Crocodile Dancing, Crocodile Frenzy, Crocodile Encounter, and Tightrope Walking let audiences see, among other things, how the crocodiles use their strong tails to propel themselves up to get at the meat. It’s clear that the message is for us to take these gentle giants’ imminent extinction as a sign that we need to act now to help save what’s left of Philippine biodiversity – including the raptors, monkeys, bearcats, snakes, birds, and other reptiles kept at Crocodile Park. 
During our visit, Jimbo, the caretaker, was feeding Karlo, the five-year-old orangutan, a bottle of Gatorade. Somebody warned that if I’d touch Jimbo, Karlo would freak out because he’s a very jealous orangutan who thinks Jimbo is his lover. I didn’t dare disturb them. Sheba, the five-month-old tiger, was let out of the cage and just wouldn’t sit still. Like a giant kitten, she was always jumping and rolling around and almost bit off Marc Nelson’s leg in her playfulness! Also awesome to watch were the Philippine Sailfin Dragons which are so called because of the high crest of skin on the base of the male’s tail, which is supported by bony projections of the tail vertebrae. I was holding the umbrella for Dong as he tried to film them up close. But when one of the Dragons came running straight at me, I shrieked and bolted.
Davao Riverfront Corporate City features the Riverwalk Grill (tel. no. (082) 303-2387), the Butterfly House (tel. no. (082) 301-5465), and is the briefing area and start off point of the Davao Wildwater Adventure. Beside the river, hundreds of bamboo are spread around Tribu K’ Mindanawan, a cultural village featuring different houses of lumad tribes. A sign at the entrance announces cultural presentations and a fire show every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. A package of P3,000  per head is available for a day tour of all the facilities in Davao Riverfront Corporate City. Pick-up / drop-off transfers are also available on separate bookings. A group can get a discount depending on the number of persons. [For more information visit http://www.parkinfo@davaocrocodilepark.com.]
Just before the sun set and we were ready to call it a day, Sonny Dizon took us to Zip City at Hilltop, Barangay Langub overlooking Davao Gulf and Mount Apo. There we got a taste of Zip City’s first zip line which is going to be open to the public on April 18. When the other phases follow suit, it’s going to be a whole new ball game for ziplining aficionados who can fly, so to speak, from one hill to the other in circles.
For sure, the two jampacked days left us dead tired. Yet we hadn’t even made a dent. Jake mused that there are more than 7,000 islands in the Philippines so Sports Unlimited never runs out of fun things to do; especially in Mindanao, the extreme sports paradise. I totally agree.
(The Sports Unlimited visits to Samal City and to Davao City were slated to be shown on ABS-CBN’s TV Patrol from April 15 to April 17 and again on Sports Unlimited, Channel 2 on April 18. Thanks to Vitto and Sylvia for sharing their pictures.)