Ozone Layer confab: Protecting our atmosphere for generations to come

The world’s scientific community together with governments, international organizations and NGOs have gathered in Geneva last November 11 for the one-day Seminar on Protecting our Atmosphere for Generations to Come.
The event, organized by the UNEP Ozone Secretariat in cooperation with the Government of Switzerland, is reflecting on the accomplishments of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer since it was forged on 16 September 1987.
“As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, we remember how far we have come as a global community in our efforts to save the ozone layer. In the 1980s, when scientists discovered the ozone hole in the Antarctic, governments, industry, civil society and international organizations were quick to cooperate and do something about it. Because of their unwavering commitment in the last 25 years, we are slowly reaping the benefits and the ozone layer is recovering,” said Mr. Marco Gonzalez, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat.
Last month, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States announced that the 2012 size of the Antarctic ozone hole is the smallest in 20 years. The maximum size this year was 8.2 million square miles, in contrast with the largest ozone hole ever of 11.5 million square miles in 2000.
Under the Montreal Protocol, governments must commit to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate their production and consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) following an agreed timetable. The Montreal Protocol has been signed and ratified by all the nation-states of the world, and because the compliance rate of the Parties is very high, the global community has managed to phase-out 98% of historical production and consumption of ODS.
“The Montreal Protocol is truly a good model for an international treaty. It is the only universally ratified multilateral environmental agreement, and in these times when we face increasingly complex and  interrelated environmental issues, it is useful to look at it and see why and how it is working,” stated Mr. Gerard Poffet vice director of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Switzerland.
The Montreal Protocol has also assisted in avoiding tens of millions of cases of skin cancer and eye cataracts, which would have cost trillions of dollars in healthcare expenses. Moreover, the treaty has caused unforeseen benefits for the climate, because by phasing out ODS, countries has also eliminated emissions equivalent to 135 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
“As we step into a new phase of implementation, we must be continually committed because new challenges are ahead,” said Mr Gonzalez. “We need to phase-out tens of thousands of ODP tones of hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and governments and industries have an opportunity to select more sustainable alternative technologies that are not detrimental to ozone and climate and at the same time, are more energy efficient,” he added.
The seminar was followed by the 24th Meeting of the Parties which started last November 12 and will on November 16. [UNEP]

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