Phoenix Petroleum, Jr. NBA score 500 in DCWD’s watershed protection project

A total of 500 forest tree seedlings were planted by the Phoenix Petroleum Philippines and players of the Jr. NBA in a tree planting activity conducted last April 3, 2013 inside the Malagos Watershed in Baguio District. The planting was headed by the corporate manager of the Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Beethoven N. Sur and basketball operations director of the NBA Asia, Sefu Bernard.
A total of 40 participants mostly composed of employees of the Petroleum Company and players of the basketball organization went out of their daily routine works and basketball trainings to commune with nature and help in restoring back the watershed in its prime condition.
Series of environmental measures were conducted jointly by the Davao City Water District (DCWD) and Phoenix Petroleum Philippines as a result of the partnership forged by both companies in 2012. Phoenix pledged to co-finance the rehabilitation of a five hectare area inside the Mt. Talomo Lipadas watershed in five years’ time through DCWD’s Adopt- A-Site program. Phoenix conducted a star studded launching of the annual marathon for the watersheds during the Araw ng Dabaw celebration which featured Ms. Alice Dixon and other showbiz personalities. The marathon aimed to raise funds to benefit the Mt. Talomo-Lipadas watershed and proceeds were donated by Phoenix to DCWD in the form of seedlings.
On the other hand, Jr. NBA is a basketball clinic program of a milk brand and professional basketball team ALASKA in partnership with NBA Asia. The program hosted a two-day basketball try-out in the city to select the best young basketball enthusiasts and represent Mindanao in the national scene.
DCWD acting general manager Edwin V. Regalado warmly thanked Phoenix for its outpouring support to the watershed rehabilitation program. Regalado stressed the importance of the watersheds, particularly the Mt. Talomo-Lipadas watershed in the sustainable supply of quality drinking water for the city, as several studies have corroborated in proving that the Mt. Talomo-Lipadas watershed and its river systems are responsible for the replenishment of the world renowned Dumoy aquifer whose waters are reputed to be among the best in the world.
DCWD’s watershed rehabilitation program has been going on since 1995. In 2001, DCWD launched the Adopt-A-Site which encouraged other sectors to partake in the re-greening measures. Through the years, support from the business, civic, academe, religious, media sectors as well as non-government organizations have continued to pour in for DCWD’s Adopt-A-Site program. A total of 134 hectares have already been rehabilitated through the help of 83 adopters. [Edjan S. Parreño / Edmarson M. Sola]

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