Focus: Education – AMACC: Its beginnings and leaps in the global arena

AMA Education System (AMAES) started as an Institute of Computer Studies. Technology at a time when it was a new tool, both in the realms of education and business. But its founder, Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, saw a vision of the Philippines as the world’s premier source of manpower through computer education, hence, he vigorously pursued his plan of setting up a center of computer learning in every corner of the Philippines.
A year later, an optimistic response from computer enthusiasts encouraged the institute to offer a four-year course in Computer Science – the first in the Philippines then – and was thus renamed AMA Computer College. In 1983, the institution grew into a network of colleges in Metro Manila.
By 1989, the AMAES began its provincial expansion by putting up a college campus in Cebu. Currently, there are 40 AMA colleges scattered all over the Philippines. Then, came the realization of the AMA Education System’s vision and mission – spearheading in providing computer education in the country.
With the desire to respond to the need for IT skilled workforce in the local and international community, and at the same time provide a specialized learning according to specific field of interests, AMA International Institute of Technology, AMA Computer Learning Center, ABE International College of Business and Economics, AMA School of Medicine and the Saint Augustine School of Nursing were installed by Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, the father of computer education in the Philippines.
In 1999, AMA Computer College made another breakthrough – it became the first computer school to be awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 Certification and was later on conferred the honor of being the first Computer University in the Far East. This certification further attests to the world-class quality education that AMA offers.
Realizing the vital role that technology plays in our day-to-day lives, AMA focused on developing and designing advanced methodologies in education and competitive educational programs which are all geared toward Information Technology-based education to all the courses it is offering such as, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science Electronics Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and Bachelor of Science in Tourism to name a few.
At AMA, the curriculum for all degree programs are I.T.-enhanced, designed to match its state-of-the art computer laboratories, Wi-Fi enabled campuses to connect to the world with dynamic and experienced faculty honed in developmental and technological learning methodologies.
When employment became a vital issue all over the world, AMA Computer College of Davao had long been prepared for easy employment opportunities for all its graduates via its AMA partnership Linkages and Employment Services (APPLES). This is because AMA Computer College has relevant, strategic, local, national and international alliances and partnerships such as SAP University Alliance Program, ORACLE Academy, Microsoft, Autodesk, CISCO Networking Academy, PEARSON Value, JEDI, GEORGIAN, Bicsi, SYSTIMAX Solutions and FLUKE Networks that incessantly forged to ensure AMA graduates are in demand world-wide and equipped with the certification that are recognized in most countries around the world.   
To name a few of its achievements, AMACC-Davao Campus is an accredited testing center under Pearson – VUE Australia on international certifications like CISCO, MCP and the like; it has been cited as the 2004 CISCO Local Academy of the Year among the different CISCO Academies in the ASIA Pacific Region; AMACC-Davao Cisco instructor had been awarded as the most outstanding Cisco instructor in the Asia Pacific regions in the year 2004; a consistent awardee as Champion and 1st runner-up in the Mindanao and National CISCO skills competitions since 2006; while most of its graduates are positioned successfully in the four corners of the globe handling vital and key positions in both the academe and in the IT industry.
As AMAES grow by leaps and bounds, the institution remains committed to its unending vision to become the leader and dominant provider of relevant and globally-recognized education and training in information and communication technology in the world.
With AMA’s advanced information technology-based and world-class education, AMA leads, AMA works, AMA connects to the world.

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