Thirteen out of 180 barangays in Davao city are set to be declared drug-free, according to Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Region XI.
On Friday, during the press conference of the One Time, Big Time drug operations conducted by law enforcers, PDEA Regional XI director Adzhar Albani said that soon, they will be declaring few barangays drug-free, because of the absence of drug-related activities.
Albani did not divulge the names of the villages but said that these are far-flung communities belonging to the three districts of Davao.
“We are just clarifying the new regulations from the Dangerous Drugs Board,” said Albani.
On March, Davao City initially had 31 villages cleared of drugs but due to the new regulations of the DDB, the villages had to be revisited.
Albani also said that seven signatories must be made before the declaration. It should be signed by five members of the oversight committee before going to the chief of police and then to the city mayor.
“It’s not just for the sake of clearing a barangay. It’s an honest to goodness clearing.”
Under DDB Regulation No. 3 series of 2017, a barangay may be declared as “drug-cleared” if there is non-availability of drug supply; absence of drug den, pusher, user; absence of clandestine drug laboratory; active involvement of barangay officials in anti-drug activities; existence of drug awareness, preventive education and information; and existence of voluntary and compulsory drug treatment and rehabilitation processing desk.