No big events, celebrations in Davao City until 2021

Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio

Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio ordered restrictions on celebrations and events whether private or public in Davao City until 2021 in observance of the Period of Mourning and Vigilance beginning on Friday until December 31, 2020.
In her Executive Order (EO) No. 25 released on Friday, the mayor declared the period of mourning to emphasize the value of sympathy for the families of frontliners who have died and could die because of COVID-19. 
The declaration also aims to instill upon everyone the value of empathy for those who are suffering and will continue to suffer the after effects of the pandemic. 
During this period of mourning, all city and national government celebrations, parties, anniversaries, and festivities shall be cancelled. 
The mayor emphasized that the commemoration of important dates and legal holidays should be kept short and must be in a somber tone.
She ordered all barangays to refrain from extravagant celebration of their fiesta as well as all founding anniversaries/Araw ng Barangay celebrations shall be cancelled. 
For private parties to mark personal of family occasions and gatherings, Mayor Sara emphasized to keep them low key and modest. 
“As a guide, low key can mean a celebration in a public place with no more than 25 guests. Those who want to hold a big celebration are advised to postpone it until the year 2021,” the mayor said. 
She also stressed that private sector shall also abide by the requirements of this period and should consider food distribution, feeding program or financial assistance to their employees instead of grandiose celebrations to mark their important events.

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