Private sector to boost vax confidence among workers

The private sector has launched a campaign that will work on boosting Filipinos confidence in coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines.

During the Vaccine Summit: Equitable Distribution and Safety, Presidential Adviser on Entrepreneurship Joey Concepcion said Friday some 1,000 companies joined together for the “Let’s Go Bakuna” campaign.

He said as the bulk of the vaccine supplies is set to arrive in the country in the second half of the year, confidence in Covid-19 vaccines should be boosted for the fast vaccine rollout.

“Now that we have a very clear timeline on most of these vaccines, the next is we need to have great execution and vaccine confidence,” Concepcion said. “We’ll start on working on our employees to—be it video materials or social media — show how safe vaccines are.”

He added that with the problem of balancing health and economy, vaccination will be the key to move forward and open the economy.

“It is now a challenge toward survival for many of our entrepreneurs. But the challenge now really is how we eliminate the virus,” he said.

Concepcion added that the current health protocols like wearing of face mask, face shield, and physical distancing will only allow to coexist with Covid-19.

The private sector also ordered vaccines from various manufacturers to help in the vaccination program of the government.

The government targets to inoculate 70 percent of its population to achieve herd immunity. (PNA)

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