DOT launches tourism assistance call center

The Department of Tourism launched its first Tourism Assistance Call Center for tourist recommendations and assistance needs.

The program, which is available through various channels such as landline, mobile, and online platforms 24/7, was launched as the DOT sought ways to elevate and improve tourism services in the country.

Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco told reporters that the 24/7 hotlines and online platforms are manned by actual call center agents and not by artificial intelligence.

Tourist information can be accessed through the call center including local tourist spots and accreditation guidance on DOT-accredited services. Call center agents are also trained in complaint resolution and emergency assistance, Frasco said.

DOT plans to expand its services from the current manpower of 12 outsourced agents from service provider Universal Access & Systems Solutions (UAS).

The hotlines for the Tourist Assistance Call Center are 151-TOUR (8687) and +63995835511 for mobile phone users.

Online platforms are also accessible to tourists through e-mail, social media, and websites of DOT:
Web Chat:

Meanwhile, the DOT earlier said it is on track to meet its 4.8 million foreign tourist arrival target this year having reached over 3.9 million or over 82 percent in September.

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