The Gospel of Hope – Prayer for justice and peace

by Rev. Dr. Mariano C. Apilado

I feel violated and brutalized by the unconscionable, barbaric and inhuman act that resulted in the massacre of more than fifty people in Ampatuan town, Maguindanao on November 23, 2009.
I was almost immobilized because I did not believe think any Filipino could be so cruel and insensitive as to commit such heinous acts.
I was then reminded of the special mission of this column – to provide hope precisely at a time of cruelty and uncertainty.
I then composed the following prayer. I invite every reader to join in offering it.
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.” (Bible, Matthew 5:9)
“If anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.” (Qur’an 5: 32)
Almighty God, God of Truth, Peace, Justice and Forgiveness we, Christians, Muslims and Lumads, pray to you, in humility and with courage because a terrible sin has been committed in our land.
Forgive us, O God, because by our silence and indifference to the root causes of violence, we may have been indirectly responsible. We trust you, and so we courageously pray for understanding, reconciliation and peace for our people and our time.
More than 55 people, mostly innocent civilians, including media persons, were massacred.
We pray for your care, compassion and healing among the families victimized, including those directly affected and involved in the unconscionable inhuman act.
We pray for your truth, justice and peace to be restored in our country and in our time, beginning with the people affected.
We pray for order, safety and respect for the dignity of persons; we pray, too, for the restoration soonest of the rule of law so that people can be assured a culture of peace and understanding.
We pray, meanwhile, that sobriety, calm and the spirit of reconciliation may reign in the hearts of all peoples, Muslims, Christians and Lumads alike, in Mindanao and our whole country.
The Prayer was used and endorsed during the monthly session of celebrating life on November 25, 2009 at the UCCP, Matina Highway, by 40 pastors.
I also used the prayer during a meeting of the Focus Rebuild Mindanao that same day, November 25, 2009 at 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the Brokenshire Resource Center, Madapo Hill, by more than 30 religious leaders representing the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, Muslims and Lumads.
Finally, I offered the same prayer during the opening of the Mindanao Week of Peace on November 26, 2009 at 7:30 0’clock in the morning at the Rizal Park, where more than a thousand people attended.
At a time when our values as a people and our human dignity and integrity are threatened by violence and brutality, we pray to God as refuge. Our hope in God is only a prayer away.

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