It was a Bayanihan day last June 30, 2018 as Davao Light and Power Company in collaboration with its partner electricians conducted house wiring installation at the Gawad Kalinga Village in Los Amigos Relocation Site, Tugbok, Davao City.
A total of 144 volunteers composed of Davao Light employees and partner-electricians helped in the house wiring installation of 12 duplex-houses. These houses are part of the joint housing project of Gawad Kalinga and the Local Government Unit of Davao City.
Meanwhile, aside from the house wiring installation activity, Davao Light also brought its on-site application to the beneficiaries. This made houses of the beneficiaries to be energized the same day their house wiring installation was completed.
“The success of this event is a proof that Bayanihan spirit still exists. The household-beneficiaries will now enjoy the benefits of having electricity at home.” said Fermin Edillon, Davao Light Community Relations Manager.
The Davao Light accredited electrician associations that participated in the house wiring were UEMD, IEAD, DAPREA, DEPA and PUSEA.