Senior citizens, or Filipinos who have reached the age of 60 years and retired from employment, are a lucky lot. Tens of thousands of civilian pensioners nationwide have started receiving from the Social Security System (SSS) and Government System Insurance System (GSIS) bonuses in the form of 13th month pay, while retirees from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are expecting from the AFP Pension and Gratuity Management Center (AFP PGMC).huge differentials as a result of the increases in salary granted by the Duterte administration during the last five years.
Meanwhile, in Davao City, the local government unit (LGU) has now begun releasing cash gifts in varying amounts to all senior citizens, whether still healthy, differently able or with co-morbidities.
Even the dead or dying will benefit from the compassion shown by the LGU. We are not joking in this one. Days ago, the Davao City Council approved an ordinance doubling the burial assistance for World War II veterans from P10,000 to P20,000.
The fiscal bonanza is a demonstration of the current generation’s respect for members.of the old generation and a recognition of the elderlies’ good service to the nation.