Davao City Mobile Library has visited 15 schools since August

The Davao City Library and Information Center- Mobile Library has visited 15 far-flung and downtown schools as of September 4, 2024.

DCLIC-Bookmobile and Disaster Education Head Arniel Enoc, in a recent interview with Madayaw Davao, said that since August 12, they have alternatively visited a total of 15 schools in the far-flung and downtown areas of the city.

“Actually, naa nata’y one year schedule, every time naay schedule adtoon nato. Amo lang na siya gi-alternate ang Monday naa lang ta sa duol then ang Tuesday to Thursday adto nata sa pinakalayo (Actually, we already have a one-year schedule, we visit the schools every time we have a schedule. We alternate the visits. Every Monday, we visit [schools] near the city center, and from Tuesday to Thursday, we visit the far-flung schools),” Enoc said.

Enoc added that their schedule covers the first district, second district, and third district. The far-flung areas in Marilog and Paquibato are priority areas because students in these areas have less access to the main library located at the city center.

Enoc said that the main purpose of their activity is to engage the students in reading and help the Department of Education by providing additional reading and learning materials that the children can enjoy.

The city currently has three mobile libraries that cater to daycare, school children, and high school. One is dedicated to daycare learners, another is dedicated to public elementary schools, while the Disaster Education Bus caters to both grade school and high school students.

More than giving the students access to books, the mobile library also provides various services such as storytelling, arts and crafts activities, mascots, computer literacy training, and disaster preparedness and awareness orientation.

Enoc said that schools have yet to be visited by the mobile bus and should just wait for their turn.

“Magpaabot lang ta kay naka-schedule nata, one-year na schedule. Mahatagan tanan og serbisyo. Gihinay-hinayan lang nato four times a week ga-byahe ang atong mobile bus. Priority nato sa karon ang layo nga lugar sama sa Malabog, Marilog, ug Malamba (You just wait for your schedule, because we already prepared a one-year schedule. All will be catered to. We are slowly achieving our target by making four trips a week. Priority areas are the far-flung areas like Malabog, Marilog, and Malamba),” Enoc said.

More details and updates about the activities of mobile libraries can be seen on the official Facebook of Davao City Library and Information Center. CIO

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