Vantage Points

THINK ON THESE: Persistence in action

I considered this friend as one of those that will be most likely to succeed. He was a good television reporter and his reports were engaging, news worthy, and novel. Each time I watched his live telecast, I often said to myself he could be one of the most valuable TV journalists to be discovered.

THINK ON THESE: Why Civil Registration Bill is essential

Do you know that approximately 3.7 million Filipinos, including 1.4 million children aged 0 to 14, have no birth certificates? According to the Philippine...

THINK ON THESE: Life is what we make it

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.” – Robert Frost *** Recently, I met a friend who arrived...

Pinoy Marino Rights: Universal jurisdiction over pirates as “the enemy of all mankind”

Pirates are “hostes humani generis” or latin for "the enemy of all mankind". Piracy is a crime not against any particular state but against...

THINK ON THESE: In search of happiness

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” – Gerard Way *** Recently, three elderly Filipinos...

THINK ON THESE | Advice: A piece of your mind

Every now and then, we received e-mails from people: some are trivial, others are very interesting. There are few which are very intriguing and even catch your immediate attention.

THINK ON THESE: Doing something for someone

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan *** Someone asked a famous conductor...

Kuwentong Peyups: The colors of Aliwan Fiesta

Festivals are prime manifestations of the Filipino’s fervent devotion and faith characterized by history, artistry, creativity, and passion. Fiestas serve as the Filipino’s profound way...

THINK ON THESE | Philippine tarsier: The world’s smallest primate

Forty-two years ago, Steven Spielberg released the movie entitled E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial which became a worldwide phenomenon. Also directed by Spielberg based on...

THINK ON THESE: The reign of greed

On May 18, 1986, American financier Ivan F. Boesky delivered a commencement address at the School of Business Administration of the University of California in Berkeley and said these words: “Greed is all right, by the way. I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself.”