Vantage Points

Money and You – Why must we invest?

by Jet VillamorDo we really need to invest? The answer is - how badly do we want to grow our money? Apparently, all of...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial – Power use tips

THE Mindanao power crisis is raging at the peak of the summer months when consumers are in need of more energy to run air-conditioning...

Thinking Aloud – Don’t ban bananas!

by Nicasio Angelo AgustinThere were some hullabaloos in the province of Davao del Norte these past few days regarding the aerial spraying in banana...

Current – How can business participate in nation building?

by Alex RoldanBusiness is in the best position to help in alleviating the social condition of the nation, not because it has the resources,...

Trading Post – Digging up old memories in Tagum

by Aurelio PeñaI NEVER had the chance to walk the streets of Tagum in the last 47 years since I packed up and left...

Exercises during Lent

The basic exercise during Lent is listening to Jesus, traditionally remembering the voice during Jesus’ baptism, which said, “This is my Son, My Beloved,...

Current – Understanding journalists

by Alex RoldanMedia is the plural of the Latin word medium. But, in today’s language, it is sometimes used with “is” as well when...

Sense or Sans – Political Messiah

by Edcer EscuderoTen  self-proclaimed political messiahs are offering themselves as the ultimate vehicle that will bring about prosperity to 90-plus million Filipinos from 2010...

The Gospel of Hope – Prayer: An essential discipline for Lent

by Rev. Dr. MAriano C. ApiladoAs part of the observance of the Season of Lent, whatever one’s religious background, or affiliation, the significance of...