An enemy worse than drugs

Senator Ronald dela Rosa could not have put it aptly when he said communist ideology polluting student’s minds is an enemy far worse than illegal drugs.

For one who has waged a bloody battle illegal drugs, the neophyte lawmaker’s description of the menace of communist ideology which has recruited many young students and transformed their innocent minds into radical thinking. In a Senate hearing called for the purpose, five parents narrated their ordeal of having their children transformed into militant activists by Anakbayan. Some of them have not seen their sons and daughters since joining the leftist group. Some have seen their children change their attitude far from being the obedient and respectful children they have raised.

What made it more ironic is that the growing population of leftist student radicals come from state-run institutions of learning. Meaning to say, the indoctrination begins in the campuses where government funds are used to educate these young students. To put it in a perspective, the government is producing its own enemies.

Indeed, the greatest tool of destruction in communism’s modern arsenal is the public school system.

Author W. Cleon Skousen, in his book The Naked Communist, compiled a list of communist goals. “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks. Gain control of all student newspapers. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack,” Skousen wrote.

It usually starts with activism where militants are penetrating public schools in which most of the youths from poor families of the country are enrolled. Thus, these schools have become the favorite venue to propagate communistic ideology. In Skousen’s definition, “transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.”

The result is that instead of getting real education, the youth are indoctrinated with “social justice” and become activists in communistic causes through militant groups in the campuses, not to discount even some activist teachers. Hence, instead of moral enlightenment and the refinement of their character, students catch a different kind of virus that often festers until it degrades families, homes, and communities. Exactly the same experiences the parents narrated in the Senate.

The reality is that the exposure to campus activism carefully leads the poor students into the quicksand of communism from where most of them never escape. And with no rehabilitation nor treatment for that, it has become a problem even worse than drugs.

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