Edge Davao mourns the passing of its beloved editorial cartoonist Dr. Mauro Ledesma Puyod who succumbed after a long battle with the Big C (cancer not coronavirus).
Doc Mau is a dentist, editorial cartoonist, mountain bike enthusiast and as newsman and former cabinet Secretary Peter Lavina describes “lover of beer and laughter.”
Doc Mau is known to his friends and patients as a very jolly person. One who thinks the world is just a very happy place–no worries, no sadness, just plain laughter. Even in his battle with cancer, Doc Mau would post on social media with his familiar comic stabs. It didn’t dawn on everyone that he is even that sick. He was a happy man.
As an editorial cartoonist for Edge Davao, Doc Mau has a style of his own. He may not have the best of strokes but his works resonate and reflect his humor and eloquence. That’s what separates him from other cartoonists. He does not rely on the works of his pen but the strong message of his art.
Doc Mau is an adventurist. He loves the thrill of the outdoors. Long before biking on Davao’s roads became a necessity with the pandemic, he was among the pioneers of bike safety advocacy along with Ed Leuenberger of the Davao All Terrain Bikers Association.
Doc Mau will surely be missed. His laughter will now be heaven’s symphony.