EDITORIAL: Boost the un-boosted

There are 1,900 employees of the city government of Davao who have not yet boosted according to the recent report by the Davao City Covid-19 Task Force. The same report is saying more than half of the employees in some government offices in the city have no booster jabs yet.

At a time when the restrictions are easing up, there is a tendency for people to be complacent of the situation and brush off the value of vaccination. This is a very critical phase of the Covid roadmap the government is preparing. The way out of Covid is still by way of vaccination and that means complete and not partial vaccination. Hence, the need for people to get boosted otherwise the roadmap will not be fully realised.

At this point, the city government needs to focus its thrust on the areas where there is a vacuum in vaccination like these offices where several employees are yet to get boosted. The easiest way to achieve vaccination goals is to accomplish the so-called easier targets.

By conducting vaccination rollout in offices, the city government can address that vacuum and achieve the numbers it needed.

That’s the easy part.

The hard part is to get those employees who are un-boosted to cooperate and willingly get their booster shots.

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