Clash forces NPAs to abandon camp

A gun fight between a contingent of the 39th Infantry Battalion (39IB) and elements of the rebel New People’s Army in Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur, forced the NPAs to abandon camp morning of Christmas day.

In its report, 30th IB said the encounter occurred at Barangay Sibulan at around 9:00 a.m. when the soldiers went to the area in response to information provided by concerned citizens.

Upon reaching the area troops were fired upon by the NPA terrorists who were in an ambush position while the rest of their fighters were busy establishing shanties and celebration stages for their supposed 50th Anniversary.

The report said the encounter forced the NPA to leave the encampment that could accommodate about 30 NPAs.

The responding troops discovered  combat equipment and valuable documents left behind the said camp.

39th IB Commander Lt. Col. Rhojun Rosales said the Battalion was on high alert to thwart any offensive atrocities that the rebels are planning to conduct as bragging rights of their existence.

“We are keeping the pressure for them to surrender and live peacefully with their love ones specially this Christmas Day.” Rosales said.

There were no reports of casualties and injuries from both parties during the encounter. 

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