It has been a common belief especially by Islamophobes that Muslims cheer out of sheer bliss whenever terrorists attack cities and civilians. Well, some Muslims may have psychopathic opinion in things but this really isn’t the case. Just like the rest of the world, Muslims mourn and are saddened by these disasters too. Muslims also grieve because all over the world, Muslims have been victims of terror which are both done by terrorist groups and state-sponsored militias such as the events in Syria and Myanmar.
This is a debunking of a popular belief that Muslims are doing nothing. Here is a brief look at Islam’s war on terror.
When you hear the words war on terror, you’d more likely imagine armies rolling in the desert but the Muslims are fighting the war against terror too in an ideological war to deliver the real message of Islam and to extinguish the fire of radicalism that is spreading among Muslims especially the youth.
The Marawi siege which may have ended and marked the defeat of two major criminal and terrorist organizations in the Philippines which is the Maute group and the Abu Sayyaf, their ideology lingers. An ideology which will lead to the formation of thousands more like them.
Often, terrorist organizations are founded by megalomaniacs who have selfish aims and promotes it to the people in the guise of Jihad in order to gain popular support. They use verses from the Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad in order to justify their claims in making the forbidden allowed and making the allowed forbidden.
Islam’s ideological war against radicalism is done through the proper understanding of how terrorist groups inculcate violent extremist thoughts into the public. Just like any fanatic organization, terrorist groups begin with a brainwash. Just like ISIS and others, they would start propaganda by polarizing the people and controlling their minds into accepting a particular belief which may not actually be true.
The terrorists often capitalize on graphic scenes of violence perpetrated by Non-Muslims against Muslims. Eventually making the public, especially potential recruits think that all Non-Muslims are like that and all of them should be punished for the crime that some Non-Muslim did a thousand of kilometers away a few years ago.
This is how recently, terrorist inspired attacks have been perpetrated by ISIS sympathizers all over the world. Youths which may not have had any conversation with terrorist leaders or may not have been directly ordered but otherwise carried out suicide missions due to the mind conditioning they received.
Due to the popularity of social media, terrorist organizations are quick to magnify their image as liberators. And with cinema quality cinematography, script writing and just a little bit of acting, terrorists are making action stars out of themselves who are admired by women and envied by men.
Brainwashing is not only fueling the hate for Non-Muslims and glorification of terror. Brainwashing above all has been used by terrorist organizations in discrediting the Islamic scholars. Scholars have been portrayed as government spoon-fed cowards and are ultimately given the verdict of being apostates because of their cooperation in the peace process or preservation of human rights.
The Ulama or the Muslim scholars and even the Muslim leaders have been marked as disbelievers by the terrorist organizations making them lose moral influence over a significant sector of the populace. This action makes sure that the Ulama will never be listened to as the voice of reason who will prevent the people from being radicalized.
Since the terrorists are also quoting from the Quran and sayings of prophet Muhammad, Muslim preachers nowadays focus on the proper understanding of these verses that are being used by the violent extremist to support their ideology. Verses that speak about killings but when properly understood, such verses are in fact against the terrorists and not in support of them. One such verse is where Allah said in the Quran,
“Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them.” ¬Quran 9:5.
Such a very terrifying verse. But when you look at the context in which it was revealed and was properly understood by Prophet Muhammad and the first generation of Muslims, this verse clearly was revealed in a context of battle. But in the next verse actually, you will find Allah says,
“And if any of the disbelievers seek your protection then grant them protection.” ¬Quran 9:5.
What? I thought Allah said kill all the disbelievers and now He says, give them protection? As you see this verse could only be properly understood in the complete context. And this is the same verse that Islamophobic media uses to portray Islam as a religion of terror. Both the terrorists and the war mongering media will only quote the verses they like and disregard the others.
Verses that when taken out of context will corrupt the Muslims especially our youth who are going to be used as cannon-fodder or firewood by megalomaniacs who seek dominance.
As you see, the criteria or gold standard is to go back to the proper context of any Islamic evidence the terrorist gives and you will find it simply tailored fit to their whims. As we all know, Islam prohibited kidnap for ransom, suicide bombings, killing of civilians, and killing or condoning the killing of Muslims and anyone who is doing these in not fighting in the way of Allah.
Our Muslim preachers are using everything at their disposal in the form of mass media, books, and others and they have been putting their lives on the line as well, as death threats have been hurled at them regularly. Beyond these, other issues need to be addressed as well. We should work together in having a concerted effort to fight Islamophobia and Radicalism simultaneously. As we all know one of them always breeds the other.
Social reforms should also be in check that any form of marginalization against the Muslims such as racial profiling or discrimination which are both unjust, inhumane and ungodly. Social justice is key.
If you want more information about Islam, watch Mensahe TV via Cignal channel 184.