Theory and Practice: The Philosophy of Dabawenyo DCPlinado

Dabawenyo DCPlinado, which has been institutionalized with a City Ordinance recently passed through the sponsorship of Councilor Jonard Dayap, is anchored in the Philosophy of Self-Discipline. The concept of the self is studied in relation to social systems and social organizations. The human self is known by way of its interactions with others in society. The self is the product of self-awareness and self-image. The concept of self is the result of the reality of social interaction. Our social experiences enable us to construct an image of ourselves. The individual is not a passive participant in the formation of the self but an active one.

Another aspect of Dabawenyo DCPlinado, which will be integrated in the Department of Education Curriculum in Davao City, is the idea of the good life. “Life is here,” is the slogan of the City of Davao. But one can also say that “The good life is here.” The good life refers to human well-being or happiness. Let us examine the deeper meaning of the term. For Aristotle, the idea of virtue is about the self-realization of the human being. Each person has a potential that needs to be actualized. This actualization is the attainment of a life of moral excellence.

However, virtue “cannot be taught” according to Aristotle. Being a virtuous person is not about reading books or understanding abstract terms. It can only be achieved through “constant practice”. It is a matter of “habit”. A person who is truly honest must be consistent in his actions which means that he possesses the virtue of honesty. Virtue, in this sense, is the perfection of human character. To achieve good character, the people must practice self-discipline. Good character is something that must be practiced at home, in one’s work, and in society as a whole.

The program is anchored on a moral framework that is cognizant of the role of the individual to self, society, and country. It seeks to instill the duty of citizens to the state. While people have rights and privileges as citizens, it is incumbent that each individual realizes that one has a moral duty to contribute to the good of society, help one’s fellow human being, and become a responsible citizen who follows the rule of law. The program is inclusive. Its unique attribute is that it is rooted in the idea of discipline as critical in ensuring the realization of a progressive, gender-sensitive, secure, peaceful, and well-ordered society.

Mayor Sebastian Duterte is serious about preparing the future generation of Davaoenos. He is aware of the big challenges given the reality we are faced with. Dabawenyo DCPlinado believes that ethical conduct is the foundation of the good of society. Our hope depends on the principles that define for us the things that we do in our everyday life. Young people need to be aware of a vastly changing world. The problems of the world now call upon each person to be responsible not only to oneself but to the world as well. Being ethical means to fulfill one’s responsibility towards one’s fellowmen. The most urgent task at hand is not merely about knowing the good. It is in practicing it. We have to show compassion and care for other people especially in times of need. By showing empathy, society extends to the least privileged the real purpose and meaning of social justice. Ethical conduct is rooted in the basic respect for others. A good person does not discriminate against people and believes in the equality of all in the eyes of God.

The most important moral virtue is courage. Without courage, a person cannot fight or stand for what is right. Courage is crucial not only in terms of overcoming adversity. It is fundamental in developing the strength of one’s character. As responsible citizens, we have to fulfill our commitment towards realizing a just, equal, and democratic society. Without courage, people will succumb to the abuses of the powerful. One needs courage to be able to stand for the truth and what is right. Courage means having a strong voice and the ability to express that voice to demand from the government what people truly deserve.

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