THINK ON THESE : World Marriage Day

“This is what marriage really means: helping one another to reach the full status of being persons, responsible beings who do not run away from life.”—Paul Tournier


Last Sunday, World Marriage Day was observed. The inception of World Marriage Day dates back to 1983 in the United States. Promoted by the Catholic Church, its primary aim is to highlight the significance of marriage and to recognize the dedication and sacrifices made by husbands and wives.

World Marriage Day underscores the commitment inherent in a marital relationship and the sanctity of being united as a couple in accordance with Christian values. It was established by the Worldwide Marriage Encounter, an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of couples facing challenges in their marriages.

World Marriage Day promotes the principles of marriage and pays tribute to the devotion and sacrifices of spouses. Catholic couples typically observe this occasion by participating in Sunday mass and reaffirming their commitment to the core values of marriage.

Okay, God initiated the first marriage and sanctified it! The Holy Bible stated that: “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

In these days of crass materialism and social media, some people marry for prestige or wealth. But, generally, a lot of people tie the nuptial knot because of love. “The need to love and be loved is the simplest of all human wants,” says Charles Galloway. “Man needs love like he needs the sun and the rain. He perishes without it. His basic longing is to be the object of love and to be able to give love. No other need is quite so significant to his nature.”

But how will a man and a woman stay together throughout their lives?

In Covenant Marriage, Fred Lowery gives us this pledge for both: “I will always love you. After God, you will always be my first priority. I am forever committed to this relationship and will always work on this marriage. I will always forgive you and work through conflicts. I will always be faithful to you. I will always be truthful with you. I will always be there for you.”

In Serving Love, couple Gary and Barbara Roseberg agreed that no matter what happens, they will love each other. The two wrote: “If things are better for us, I will love you. If things get worse, I will love you. If we get rich beyond our wildest imagination, I will love you. If we grow poorer and don’t own much, I will love you. If you get sick, I will love you. If you remain healthy, I will love you. In fact, no matter what happens, I will always love you.”

Husband, how will you express your love to your beloved?

Stuart Scott, author of The Exemplary Husband, lists: “Prefer her over yourself. Show interest in her interests. Encourage her with words of appreciation. Brighten her day with an unexpected card, note, flowers, or gift. Listen with interest to her concerns while showing compassion. Help her when she looks as if she needs it (don’t wait to be asked?) Do chivalrous things to let her know how special she is to you. Give her nonsexual affection. Seek to please and satisfy her during sexual intimacy. Pray with her and lead her spiritually.”

On the other side of the coin, here’s what a wife can do to her husband, according to Martha Peace, the woman behind The Excellent Wife: “Pray for him daily. Speak words of kindness. Give him an unexpected gift. Thank him for something good he has done. Praise him for one of his good character qualities. Be humble enough to confess your own failures. Reaffirm your commitment to him. Initiate a special time of lovemaking with him. Spend time with him doing something he likes to do. Obey God and let your husband see Christ in you.”

Marriage is not always a bed of roses. Two people from different backgrounds usually clash but that’s alright. Opposites attract each other, right? “Men marry women with the hope they will never change,” commented Albert Einstein. “Women marry men with the hope they will change. They are both disappointed.”

Yes, there are marriages made in heaven — because from the beginning, God is in the midst of the union. Marriage, someone once said, is always a triangle: man, woman, and God.

With that, marriage is bound to be forever. And husband and wife will live happily ever after. The Kenny Rogers song said it well: “I can’t remember what I used to do. Who I trusted whom, I listened to before. I swear you’ve taught me everything I know. Can’t imagine needing someone so but through the years it seems to me I need you more and more.”

Two years ago, I attended a golden wedding anniversary. I was not really interested in witnessing the occasion but my friend, who is the grandson of the couple, cajoled me to join him. He is a person who doesn’t invite people if it is not really that important.

Since I had nothing to do at that time, I decided to go with him. I sat down at the church and met some of my friend’s families, relatives, and friends. When the ceremony started, everyone was silent. Some family members were in tears.

In the middle of the ceremony, one grandson stood up, went to the podium, and sang the haunting Kenny Rogers song. “I can’t remember when you weren’t there, when I didn’t care for anyone but you. I swear, we’ve been through everything there is. Can’t imagine anything we’ve missed, can’t imagine anything the two of us can’t do.”

Then, he belted out: “Through the years, you’ve never let me down. You turned my life around, the sweetest days I’ve found, I’ve found with you. Through the years, I’ve never been afraid. I’ve loved the life we’ve made. And I’m so glad I’ve stayed right here with you through the years.”

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