Friday’s viral scare after the death of a 4-year old boy suspected of having meningococcemia, which spread like wildfire on social media, must serve as an awakening for people to be fully aware of the dreaded disease and how to detect and avoid it.
For once, spreading unvalidated information in the internet does not help. It only causes undue panic.
Nevertheless, the viral post has served its purpose and now people are googling meningococcemia than just sharing the post.
It is best to know what this disease is all about and that way, it can be avoided.
According to medical journals, “meningococcemia is a rare infection caused by the Neisseria meningitidis bacteria. This is the same type of bacteria that can cause meningitis. When the bacteria infect the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, it’s called meningitis. When the infection remains in the blood but doesn’t infect the brain or spinal cord, it’s called meningococcemia. It’s also possible to have both meningitis and meningococcemia at the same time. In this case, the bacteria appears in the bloodstream first and then passes into the brain. Neisseria meningitidis bacteria are common in the upper respiratory tract and don’t necessarily cause illness. Although anyone can get meningococcemia, it’s most common in babies, children, and young adults.”
It is important to know that an infection by Neisseria meningitidis, whether it becomes meningitis or meningococcemia, is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention. Hence, the random post and sharing cannot be blamed for sheer lack of deeper knowledge, rather it is a knee-jerk reaction to this medical emergency status of the disease.
So what is the mode of transmission of this disease?
People spread meningococcal bacteria to other people by sharing respiratory and throat secretions (saliva or spit). Generally, it takes close (for example, coughing or kissing) or lengthy contact to spread these bacteria. Fortunately, they are not as contagious as germs that cause the common cold or the flu. People need to understand that we do not catch the bacteria through casual contact or by breathing air where someone with meningococcal disease has been.
Sometimes the bacteria spread to people who have had close or lengthy contact with a patient with meningococcal disease. Those at increased risk of getting sick include: people in the same household, roommates, and anyone with direct contact with the patient’s oral secretions, such as a partner of the opposite sex.
And for the prevention, people with close contacts of someone with meningococcal disease should receive antibiotics to help prevent them from getting the disease. It is called prophylaxis.
However, it must be made clear that people who are in contact with those afflicted with the disease do not necessarily have the disease. Getting a prophylaxis is a mode of prevention.
In case of doubt, it helps to speak with a doctor if one believes he is at risk.