Tibungco to get several benefits from foundation

FOOTBALL FOR HUMANITY. Edgar L. Te, special project director of the Davao South Regional Football Association (DRFA) and executive of the Davao-based Maharlika Sports Development Institute, Inc., explains the benefits that Tibungco, Davao City will get from a multi-faceted project that Football for Humanity Foundation has launched in the barangay. Te, together with Bells Tiongco, vice president and co-founder, and foundation founder Chris Thomas appeared in last Friday’s Kapihan sa PIA edition to talk on the project. EDITH T. ISIDRO/PIA

Eight organizations are transforming the community Of Barangay Tibungco with programs aligned with the UN sustainable Goals of Reducing Inequalities, Clean Water and Sanitation, Good Health and Well Being, Climate Action and Quality Education.

The Football for Humanity Foundation campaign dubbed “Play for Goals” is currently constructing a 34 meters x 21 meters football pitch, a day care center with library, and a clean water facility on the grounds of Zonta Village, in Barangay Tibungco, Davao City.

Populated by a mix of Christian, Muslim and indigenous residents, the project aims to create greater community cohesion through sport and education. The facility is expected to be completed on the last week of April, 2019.

Maharlika Sports Development Institute Inc., in partnership with the University of the Immaculate Conception Community Development Service, together with Football for Humanity Foundation founder, Chris Thomas, initiated the project which started with the football facility and then grew to a multi-sectoral cooperation that includes the Library Renewal Partners, waves for Water, one World Play Project, Olli Bambu, the Mindanao Peace Council’ and many other sponsors and donors whose aim is to create sustainable community development with sports and well-being as an anchor.

“To support our football-centric program, we will be distributing one thousand soccer balls to children in a continuation of the “Isang Bata, Isang Bola” initiative at the Tionko Football Grounds on the afternoon of the Tibungco launch. Through the efforts of Football for Humanity Founder Mr. Chris Thomas, we will be able to distribute thousands more of these “unpoppable” footballs (soccer balls) donated by One World Play Project, which has distributed over 2 million balls all over the world, impacting 60 million lives,” according to Davao South Regional Football Association (DRFA) Special Projects Director Edgar L. Te.

“This is a great opportunity for the children of Mindanao, who are extremely talented and who deserve to benefit from the proven power of SPORT and PLAY. We are confident that this project will generate change in the community, leading to peace, progress, and social change,” added Thomas.

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