DCPO : No disruption of transportation in Davao City amid nationwide strike

BUSINESS AS USUAL. A man hails a passenger jeepney in downtown Davao City on Monday (20 November 2023). It’s business as usual for jeepney drivers in the city despite calls for a three-day nationwide strike starting Monday to protest the jeepney modernization plan in the country. MindaNews photo

The Davao City Police Office (DCPO) on Monday reported there was no disruption of transportation in Davao City amid the nationwide transport strike.

Transport group Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Opereytor Nationwide (Piston) in Davao City along with Anakbayan, Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), and other progressive groups in the city staged a protest rally at the Freedom Park along Roxas Avenue in line with the three-day nationwide transport strike announced by the transport group Piston ahead of the December 31 PUV consolidation deadline under the government’s public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program.

Sta. Ana Police Station conducted monitoring and police visibility at Freedom Park for the said protest rally.

Operatives of the station reported there’s no monitored distruption of public utility vehicles and no stranded individuals within its area of responsibility (AOR).

The San Pedro Police Station conducted monitoring at the Calinan Transport Service Cooperative (CALTRANSCO) L300 van and bus terminal at Bankerohan Public Market and reported that no transport strike was monitored in the area.

Meanwhile, rallyists in Davao City expressed objections to the jeepney phaseout and omnibus franchising guidelines. They also raised the issues of salary increases and support and aid for drivers and operators affected by the modernization program.

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