Councilor pushes Davao City Human Milk Bank Ordinance

Davao City Second District Councilor Richlyn Justol-Baguilod ( VMO Photo)
Davao City Second District Councilor Richlyn Justol-Baguilod ( VMO Photo)

Davao City Second District Councilor Richlyn Justol-Baguilod, chairperson on Committee on Health of the City Council, is pushing for the establishment of a human milk bank in Davao City through her proposed ordinance “Davao City Human Milk Bank Ordinance”, which is up for second reading.

Section 5 of the proposed ordinance emphasized that the human milk bank should only be used as a temporary solution when the mother and baby are separated. It said that the stored breastmilk will primarily be given to children in the neonatal intensive care unit whose own mothers are seriously ill.

“Milk Banks may be a source of breastmilk for infants that are victims during an emergency and/or a disaster. The importance of breastfeeding should at all opportunities be emphasized to all mothers through counseling. Mothers of human milk bank recipients should be counseled in lactation or re-lactation by trained milk bank personnel,” it said.

The ordinance underscored that the milk banks should operate on a non-profit basis, but a minimal processing fee may be charged to cover for the screening, processing and administrative costs.

“However, inability to pay the said fee should not be a reason for non-availment of the milk for patients in need. These milk banks must have their own permanent, dedicated staff/personnel who are trained in human milk banking and lactation management,” it said.

Baguilod said donation of milk is voluntary.

She added that they are discussing the giving of incentives to mother-donors.

“This is voluntary. Wala ni siya bayad or bayaran namo kung makahatag ug milk ang mother but naa tay gina-istoryahan about giving of incentives or also donors na makahatag ug pouch for the milk,” she said during the Aprubado sa Konseho media briefing on Tuesday.

It is also included in the ordinance the establishment of a central milk bank or lactarium in Davao City, which shall accept milk supply from different milk collecting stations.

The Lactarium Davao will be the first community based owned human breast milk bank for 0 to 2-year-old babies needing breast milk whose mothers may or may not be residents of Davao City;

“The ordinance is at the City Health Office for the final stages ug ginahan-ay na lang ang tanan. Nakahuman na pud mi ug three committee hearings,” Baguilod said.

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