LTO to implement DIY registration process

The Land Transportation Office or LTO just signed Administrative Order 2017-035 which aims to streamline the car registration process by allowing dealers to report motor vehicle sales via a “Do-It-Yourself” or DIY system.

The DIY system removes one of the biggest bottlenecks in the car registration process. In the current system, only LTO employees can encode new vehicle sales into their system. This means only a handful of employees encodes hundreds of thousands of vehicles annually.

Apart from streamlining the car registration process, it also eliminates the Request for System Updates (RSU) of buyer’s information or vehicle details.

Though the DIY system still requires authorized dealers / dealer representatives to go to their respective LTO Regional Office, it eliminates the direct participation of LTO personnel during the sales reporting procedure.

The new procedure is outlined below:

A User ID shall be issued to the Authorized Representative of the Dealer and can be used solely on behalf of the Dealer he/she represents.

The Authorized Representative shall proceed to the Regional Office (DIY Sales Reporting Unit) to directly report the Dealer’s motor vehicle sales to the LTO using the facility for sales reporting. No sales shall be uploaded in the LTO system unless the same has been validated in the system.

If the sales validation is correct, the Authorized Representative shall personally encode the buyer information such as the buyer’s name, address, invoice number, date of sale, and amount of the unit. Thereafter, the Authorized Representative shall upload the said information in the LTO system and approve the transaction.

If the validation of data is incorrect or has a discrepancy, the transaction is terminated and will be voided. The Authorized Representative will be advised to conduct further validation with their sales to rectify the discrepancy.

The Dealer shall be solely responsible for any errors, intentional or not, in the sales reports processed through the DIY facility.

Theoretically, the DIY system cuts new vehicle registration timeline from the current set-up which takes more than 30 days to just 7 days. That said, this all depends on the implementation set-up such as the number terminals available, etc.

So now, all we need to worry about is just the number plates itself.

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