JABONG! Of golf, drama and humanity

Popoy Cabanillas Trocio

Once in a while comes a golf tournament that matters and leaves an impact to the community and makes a difference to individuals, to humanity in general.

I am impressed by the way the last DGGM golf tournament in Mati City was handled by Popoy Cabanillas Trocio. A logistical nightmare from the very start due to its location and proximity, a three-hour drive or two at most from Davao City if you are a race car driver like my old friend the late Sonny Gonzalez.

Another challenge that gave some sleepless nights to Popoy and his team is the weather. Mati City has been wanting rainfall for the last two months but alas the gods of golf are somewhere busy attending to other matters. The sun baked fairways are hard panned and becomes unpredictable. Popoy and the management of Rocamora golf have to be creative in softening the grounds by providing water pumps in strategic location to soften a little the fairways thru improvised sprinkler.

Through it all, the tournament went smoothly though some minor glitches happened along the way but it was remedied by Popoy’s leadership and ended as a total success. Success in a sense that more children with cleft palate and club foot can now smile and walk, traverse the difficulties life with an added confidence. Trophies, raffle prizes, food and drinks that overflowed during the fellowship are nothing compared to the happiness and confidence implanted to the heart of each beneficiary.

Once again kudos to Popoy Cabanillas Trocio, Deputy District Grandmaster (DDGM) Masonic District Region XI for a well-managed and successful tournament. May your tribe increase.

DRAMA : I was toying around with my TV remote control one hot lazy afternoon when I bumped into this TV series under Paramount Plus. What caught my attention at first was the font of the title as it flashes on the TV screen. It’s similar to my favorite movie of all time, The Godfather. As the story progresses it dawned on me that this TV series is about the making of the blockbuster movie, The Godfather but centers on the character of Al Ruddy, the producer.

The Offer, that’s right is the title of the TV series. Of course, who can’t relate to Don Vito Corleone’s famous line “I will give him an offer he can’t refuse”.

This TV series is a parallelism about the characters in the series and the actual people instrumental in making the movie. It touches on family, protection thru muscle in the Mafiosi world if you know what I mean and about friendship. It showed the sacrifices, the drama created in each of its major characters, their love life, passion and resolve just to finish the movie.

Ten episodes are no joke to finish in one seating especially to this writer that have little patience in watching drama and long tv show or movie. But believe you me, it’s worth it. This TV series is something, a must for every The Godfather loving fan like me. Try it Mikey Principe, a good friend of mine during my Saudi Arabia days. Me and Mikey can spend the whole night over a glass of smuggled wines discussing the movie including the lines we have memorized. Cheers Mikey.

HEADS UP; Coming golf tournaments this May and June. Golfers watch out for the Farmer’s Cup on May 11,2024 at the South Pacific Golf. After 9 years in hiatus, the South Pacific Golf Monthly medal will hit the fairways once with its maiden edition on June 1 and 2. Watch out also for one of the biggest and highly anticipated tournament in Rancho Palos Verdes this coming June 15 and 16, The ForeFathers Cup.

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