“Feeding the world will be one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. It will be impossible without using scientific advancements and biotechnology
.”—Mike Pompeo, American politician
If you are familiar with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), it is a molecule that carries the essential instructions required for an organism’s development, survival, and reproduction. This organic compound is present in the majority of cells across all living organisms.
A genetically modified organism (GMO) refers to an organism whose DNA has been altered in a laboratory setting to enhance the expression of specific physiological characteristics or to facilitate the production of particular biological products.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) offer various benefits to both producers and consumers. For instance, modified crops can initially safeguard agricultural yields by imparting resistance to certain diseases or pests, thereby promoting increased food production.
In addition, GMOs play a crucial role in the development of medicinal products. The initial experiments with GMOs occurred in the 1980s, and the first GMO drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration was insulin. It is produced with genetically modified bacteria, instead of the traditional method that produces what is known as pork insulin.
GMOs are actually products of biotechnology. The word “biotechnology” comes from three Greek words “bios,” which means “life,” “techno,” which means “technology,” and “logos,” which means “language,” or “proof.”
Biotechnology encompasses the application of technology across various domains, focusing on the utilization of living organisms and biological systems. It has significantly contributed to enhancing human life, particularly in the areas of food production and healthcare.
The concept of biotechnology was initially introduced by Károly Ereky in 1919, describing the process of generating products from raw materials through the assistance of living entities. At its core, biotechnology relies on the exploitation of biological systems and organisms, including bacteria, yeast, and plants, to execute designated functions or generate valuable materials.
Biotechnology is not a new invention. Spirulina, one of the oldest forms of life on earth, is believed to be what the Old Testament called “manna from heaven,” which sustained the Israelites during their 40-year journey in the wilderness (Exodus 16).
In the Philippines, biotechnology has a long history, dating back to the 16th century. You may not know it but we utilized biotechnological methods in the production of various beverages, such as basi made from sugarcane, tuba derived from coconut and other palm trees, and tapuy, which is the Filipino equivalent of Japanese sake or rice wine.
Beer is actually a product of biotechnology, along with other fermented items like patis (fish sauce), suka (vinegar), bagoong (a condiment made of either fermented fish or shrimp paste), and various types of cheese.
Modern biotechnology, however, has significantly accelerated the process. The techniques employed appear almost fictional in nature.
“(Today’s) biotechnology allows us to introduce genes into crops that could never be achieved using traditional/conventional methods because the gene tied to a specific trait (that is, insect resistance, disease resistance, herbicide tolerance, etc.) doesn’t exist in species,” explained Dr. Frank A. Shotkoski, an adjunct professor at Cornell University in the College of Life Science Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics.
“There are currently only twelve types of genetically modified food crops being widely grown worldwide, yet even with this small number, the environmental benefits have been significant,” wrote Anthony Warner, author of Ending Hunger: The Quest to Feed the World Without Destroying It.
A meta-analysis conducted in 2014, encompassing 147 studies, revealed that the adoption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) resulted in a 37% decrease in pesticide usage and a 22% increase in crop yields. Notably, farmers in developing nations reaped the most significant benefits, especially from crops engineered to resist insects.
But despite the benefits that biotechnology brings, there are still organizations like Greenpeace, an anti-GMO organization, which continue to take a preventive stance. But their claims have been debunked.
“There is no credible source of information regarding the potential for GMOs to damage human health, and plenty of evidence of benefit,” Warner wrote in his book.
Biotech foods have reportedly undergone more testing than any other food in history. Before entering the food market, they are assessed consistent with guidelines issued by several international agencies like the World Health Organization, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development.
The US FDA agrees. “Foods produced using genetic modification are as safe as foods produced using conventional breeding techniques,” it says. “Genetically modified foods are as safe as other foods available on the market.”
“(Biotech products) are absolutely safe because they undergo longer and more rigorous and extensive laboratory tests and approval processes compared to crops developed using conventional breeding methods,” said Dr. Ruben Villareal, a professor of plant breeding and genetics and former chancellor of the University of the Philippines at Los Baños.